• coleman
    92 years ago

    Not the ONLY argument, of course!

    OP, thank you for copping to the fact that this is clickbait :-)

    XMPP is missing features and the clients are not in line with modern expectations.

    However, I shut down my Matrix server because it was so buggy and slow that I didn’t trust it anymore. I did an upgrade and - all of a sudden - no one could log in. Syncing took forever, etc.

    Prosody is what I"m running for my XMPP server right now. I had it online in about an hour and it’s been super fast.

    I have some iOS users and they aren’t so happy about XMPP right now, though.

    XMPP definitely needs more work on the clients. Personally, I like my GTK and terminal clients though. So fast and simple.

    • @TaiAurori@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      Running a huge Python program (which the official software for running a Matrix server is written in) for something that focuses heavily on real-time comms feels awful, the Go rewrite of Synapse can’t hit stable soon enough.

  • poVoqM
    72 years ago

    Link has actually a more interesting discussion than just the Matrix Dev diss 🤦‍♂️

    The most promising fediverse integration right now is probably movim.eu with the libervia ActivityPub gateway.

  • @toneverends
    i really hope, gajims dev process gets faster… they always say “we are working on it”
    and vcards… different an incompatible techonolgy for the same purpose…
    i can set an avatar in ldap, and modern clients ignore this… gajim sets it on some places not everywhere…
    reactions an postings… i love them. “xmpp” say “it’s nice. there is a xep. but nobody needs it, so we’ve not implemented it yet”.

    and OMEMO is really ugly… if you have more than one client. and if you use webclients as well (movim for example) you get plethiora of omemo keys… and you canct get rid of them. they stick on your account like dog-shit on your shoes…