By “party”, I mean a physical social gathering of people for the purposes of having fun. It may be used in a sentence as “I am throwing a party!” or “Let’s party!”.
Basically what I am trying to say is the default “party”.

I’ve never been to any, and I have no idea how people spend their time on parties, so I am curious how you did.

  • PointAndClique [they/them]
    1 year ago

    (Sorry I kinda alternate between second and first person, between recounting experience of what I do and giving advice, may make for a weird read so apologies in advance)

    For me house party or bar it’s usually:

    • arrive roughly half an hour to an hour late. (If it’s a close friend’s party however I’ll arrive early or on time to help set up and kick the party off right, decent friend maybe 15 mins late)
    • try to find the host and say hi, if they’re occupied talking to someone else, then no worries, give them a wave and hopefully circle back at a better time (if the host knows you’ve arrived, and they’re a good host, they may help introduce you to people later e.g. they say to whoever they’re currently talking to “Oh my mate luklmy is here, he also has a beagle, I’ll introduce you!”. This gives them a chance to catch up with you, introduce you to someone new, and then excuse themselves to work the room
    • a good opener is “Hey I’m YYYY, how do you know [host’s name]?” it gives you a bit of an insight into the person (are they a school mate? Diving buddy? Valorant squad member?) and your first springboard into a conversation. If they don’t have a good thread to pull at, then it’ll turn to you to share how you know the host. It can be good to roll into anecdotes from here e.g. “[Host name] was such a brat at school, did she tell you the time that…” or “[Host name] is a beast at Valorant but she wouldn’t let on, last night it was 3v1…”. That’ll give you the threads to continue
    • it can also be good, when appropriate, to ask “Hey do you know anyone else at this party?” and give them a chance to point out more people, or call them over into the conversation, now rather than a one on one convo, you’ll have a bit of a group convo going on. You may be involved (great! You’re meeting more people) or you may get kind of closed out as they talk about in group stuff. If the latter then no worries, you can make a clean exit by saying “Hey it was nice talking to you all, I’m gunna go say hi to those people over there” you could even double back to see if the host is free
    • if a conversation is going well and we’re vibing, I may say something like “Hey can I get you a drink? Do you know where the esky/fridge is?” or “I’ll go grab us some chips. Which way is the kitchen?” or whatever then make my way over. With any luck there may be someone at the esky who I can strike up a convo with, and if they also seem cool then say “Hey come over and meet [person you were just talking to]”. The person you were just talking too as well may have started talking to someone new in the time you were going to get a drink, so you’ve got another person to meet straight when you come back! Too easy!
    • if a conversation is getting stale or going poorly you can break it off in a few ways. Similar to the above you can say “Hey it’s been really nice talking to you, I’m gunna go say hi to person over there/get myself a refill/check up on the barbecue/dip my toes in the pool/find the bathroom” then go do that thing (you don’t want to be the person who ends a conversation, then walks around the corner to stare at their phone, then the person you were talking to comes around and sees you.
    • If you smoke, you can take a smoke break. Honestly, this is terrible advice, but I was a social smoker because it gave me a ready excuse to break from a noisy party. You’ve also got a ready made group of people to meet. Even if you don’t smoke, you can go hang out with them with the line “Hey I’m just gunna go get some fresh air” then make your way outside.

    There’s a bit of ebb and flow at the start of the party as the vibes settle in. As you probably noticed there’s a lot of making polite excuses to move around the party or draw more people into your convo if you prefer that. Once convos get big enough and people have put away a few drinks you may get people suggesting drinking games or Smash Bros or a dip in the pool or whatever it may be. It’s fun to get involved.

    For me, if I’m drinking, I may hit a point of being buzzed enough that it feels like second nature, I become a lot less self conscious, and enough stuff is happening around me to react to that things don’t require effort to get going.

    If however I’ve had a few drinks and things don’t take off, and everything still feels stilted despite my best efforts, I’ll probably just call it a night. I’ll find the host if I can and make an excuse (Have to feed the cat/last train home/visiting my parents tomorrow) if it’s a good friend I may say as much “Hey man just not feeling it this evening, gunna make an early mark, thanks for throwing the party”. On the way out, if there was anyone I particularly enjoyed talking to, I’ll make sure to say goodbye and if I haven’t already I’ll ask for their contact.

    As dasharezone says, if you’re not feeling it you can just hit the bricks.

    Hope this makes sense, it’s kind of a base format that is essential to most kinds of standing party, alcohol or none, daytime or night.

      1 year ago

      How did you learn all this? I’m 41 and still have no party skills. My go-to is to make friends with the host’s pets.

      • PointAndClique [they/them]
        1 year ago

        Yeah pretty much what said (thanks, I was snoozing so couldn’t reply).

        I wanted to learn because I’m introverted and have social anxiety too.

        I kinda forced myself to be sociable during uni: I volunteered, I went to clubs and societies parties, I went to faculty networking events. After uni I hosted a couple of meetups and continued with some voluntary roles in the organisations I’d joined during uni. In my early stage career I had to attend some work events too. Over that time there were friends’ birthdays, impromptu parties etc. I live in a large city so there’s always something going on.

        Throughout this I wanted to find a low friction approach that helped me meet people that didn’t leave me totally wrung out at the end of the evening (just less wrung out). I find intense one on one convos to be interesting but more draining. If I went to a party and hit a half hour intense convo out of the gate, then I wouldn’t last long. I found if I didn’t move around then there would be a high chance I’d get engaged in a long convo, or find myself on my own getting increasingly self conscious. So I had to find out something that worked for me.

        But yes, for me it was practice. It’s also important not to get too formulaic. You don’t want to turn the party into a networking event where you try to meet as many people as possible and grill them with a stock list of questions. (You also don’t want to do that at a networking event, either…).

        It’s also kind of a like that Groucho Marx quote but taken positively vis “I’m happy to be a member of any party that will have me”. If you’re there, then you’re the kind of person who belongs there. There’s all sorts of people at a party including people like you who are making an effort™ but you won’t know who they are until you meet them.

        Hanging out with the host’s pet is fine :) for a party ultimately it’s just a chance for the host to bring their favourite people together to enjoy themselves, if you’re the kind of person the host is friends with, then you’ve got a good chance of having something in common with the host’s other friends you haven’t met yet.

        I’ll say again, it’s kinda horses for courses at a party. My way of navigating a party is a rule of thumb I’ve devised for myself over time, and some other people follow a similar vein for their own reasons. If you do find an activity you enjoy lots, or get into a really interesting discussion with only one person that evening that you both enjoy, then that’s cool too! Nobody’s really there to enforce everyone has to enjoy it in the same way. If you had fun, then you came out ahead.

        1 year ago

        I’ll step in, failures. A lot, and I mean a lot of failures. It takes a while to learn that there’s and ebe and flow to a party, a lot of people feel pressured to always be interesting at a party. Not possible, embrace the flow and learn to let the ebe pass by. I have done sooooo many embarrassing things at a party but you know what, I’m not dead. I’m not an outcast. None of those predictions happened.

        Also know when to go home. Every party will hit one of two points late into the night, either the party will run out of gas or it’ll rev up. Either way, go home. Nothing good ever happens after 3:00 am.

    • DPRK_Chopra [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      This reminds me of a fun story:

      I have this super extroverted friend that I would sometimes take to parties. He was from another town and he would visit me while I was in university. I’d roll up to a party where I knew maybe a handful of people, and this mf by the end would be friends with everyone there.

      His fun little party trick was introducing himself to everyone and then remembering their names and then introducing everyone else to each other. “Oh hey Jackie, have you met David?” Either they didn’t and he became a big social hub at the party or worse-case they’d already known each other for 10 years and it was this hilarious joke. It was very fun.

      He introduced me to so many people that would ask after him, like “where’s your crazy friend? He was funny.”

      Basically, if possible, I highly recommend taking an extrovert with you.