• sukotai
    14 years ago

    community should promote federate chat solution like xmpp or matrix. Everything dealing with your privacy should be federated.

    • @renor@lemmy.ml
      24 years ago

      Well that’s not quite true. First federation means sharing a lot of metadata: you have to federate so finding users on a federated i hard without sharing metadata. Matrix “leaks” a lot of metadata. Privacy with “what” you say? Yes, but most offer you this. Privacy with who talks to who, where, etc? Nope.

      Signal is Open Source and server builds are replicable (you can be sure that they run official on their AWS server), being centralised means that almost no metadata is leaked. But I also dislike the ways OWS and Moxie make their decisions.

      I recomend you reading the whitepaper of Session at getsession.org. Session is decentralised and it has all the Signal benefits (Signal protocol, and no metadata). How? Onion routing. As said, read about it I recommend you a lot.

    • @renor@lemmy.ml
      04 years ago

      People really have to learn to differenciate between PRIVACY and ANONIMITY. Two different concepts.

      • @cipherpunk@lemmy.ml
        24 years ago

        Anonymity IS privacy. Specifically, anonymity is privacy of identity. So no, it’s not two different concepts. It’s a subset/superset relationship of the same thing.

        Calling “privacy” and “anonymity” two different concepts is an attempt to downplay the importance of anonymity. The problem is that you never have absolute privacy, and when privacy is attacked or lost for one reason or another you better have anonymity. You should think of anonymity as a 2nd layer of protection from disclosure.

  • @nutomic@lemmy.ml
    04 years ago

    Well its run by a US company, and they dont allow anyone else to distribute versions of their app (eg fdroid), even though its open source. Also the server code is not open source. I prefer Telegram, at least this way only the Russians get my data.

    • @tofuwabohu@lemmy.161.social
      13 years ago

      Isn’t this the signal server code? https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Server

      Having Russians getting your data instead of Americans is a choice one can make, but since TG doesn’t support e2e in Desktop clients, it isn’t really comparable I think. It’s a cloud messenger that also supports e2e in some cases, so while moxie surely gets your metadata, Pavel gets everything.

      • @nutomic@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        Ah I’m wrong about that point then, but the others still stand. And I prefer for Russia to have my data, because they certainly dont work with my government, but the USA most likely does.

        The best option is Matrix, but so far it still seems too complicated for the average user.