Breaking news: Thousands of Russian women simultaneously fall out of sixth story window.
It’s raining bitches.
Sry… couldn’t help myself.
Take my upvote and go to hell!
A defenestration proclamation.
No! Really? Putler lied?!
Unheard of? /J
In other news, officials in Russia are baffled by the mysterious disappearance of thousands of Russian women.
Now the remaining ones will have to have 12 babies each instead of eight!
Octomom ✋
Dodecamom 👈TLC has entered the chat I smell a hit new tv series.
Something about this seems like Mad Max.
If only Russians had done something about Putin and his lies before he tried to annex his version of the Rhineland.
So we did. But the government did an effective job to collect insane amount of police, all while jailing protest leaders and participants.
Stop portraying us all as lazy naive flock, and use democratic instruments and powers you still enjoy to not let that happen in your country.
This is not something with an easy way out.
Oh please don’t be mistaken. Their dissatisfaction is that their men haven’t returned. However, they will be satisfied if simply someone else would go to kill those Ukrainians.
This is not a protest against the war, by any means.
Baby steps, at least they’re upset and the war is the root cause. Hopefully it grows into a bigger issue for Pooty
“Duh” says the rest of the world in response.
All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us
Ga’dukka tszh tszh Ga’dukka tszh tszh
Ga’dukka tszh tszh Ga’dukka tszh tszh
Someone who has managed to be a dictator isn’t a trustworthy person.
Betrayal implies loyalty.
Non-paywall link (MS is hosting the Telegraph article):
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