Its more a commentary on America’s frighteningly real chance of descending into a Russian sponsored fascist dictatorship. But sure if that scratches your persecution fetish I’m not gonna kink shame you
Individual voters tell their state how to cast the state vote. States vote to elect the president. Our States are more analagous to countries that are members of the EU than, say, the states in Mexico or provinces in Canada. (Not that I’m particularly educated on the government systems of the EU, Mexico, or Canada. If I made a bad comparison please feel free to correct me)
Maybe if one side wasn’t an openly theocratic fascist party that wants women to be property and anyone who isn’t a straight white Christian to be dead, it would be easier to get along. I’m going to be hostile towards Republicans for the same reason I’d be hostile to someone pointing a gun at me.
So it’s wrong if we have elections like a normal democracy? Ok understood.
Its more a commentary on America’s frighteningly real chance of descending into a Russian sponsored fascist dictatorship. But sure if that scratches your persecution fetish I’m not gonna kink shame you
As opposed to an American styled fascist dictatorship.
For the enemies of Russia that would be better
Tbh a “normal” democracy doesn’t only have 2 parties to choose from, none of which represents the majority of citizens. Your democracy sucks honestly.
Mfw when we’ve had five presidents who didn’t win the popular vote, and two of them were within the past 25 years.
I think we could do better as a democracy.
We aren’t a democracy, we’re a democratic republic.
What’s the difference?
Individual voters tell their state how to cast the state vote. States vote to elect the president. Our States are more analagous to countries that are members of the EU than, say, the states in Mexico or provinces in Canada. (Not that I’m particularly educated on the government systems of the EU, Mexico, or Canada. If I made a bad comparison please feel free to correct me)
Two words for the same thing.
You are indeed more of a oligarchy than a democracy.
So you aren’t a democratic republic either as much as North Korea isn’t a democratic people’s republic.
Least brain damaged Arch user
You know what they say about Arch users.
Arch users speak for themselves.
Nobody talks about Arch users except Arch users themselves.
So no I don’t know what they say about them.
Nah there’s nothing wrong with elections them self
The issue is the US he’s really really hostile around election time due to how divided people are
Maybe if one side wasn’t an openly theocratic fascist party that wants women to be property and anyone who isn’t a straight white Christian to be dead, it would be easier to get along. I’m going to be hostile towards Republicans for the same reason I’d be hostile to someone pointing a gun at me.
Dooogg whiisstlleeesss
The USA have a two party system with majority takes it all, you can barely call it a democracy tbh.
It’s wrong that if a president is doing a really good job, the majority like them, they still only get 8 years maximum before they are forced out.
How about voting people out when they start to do a bad job, not because the timer ran out? Change just for change sake is stupid.