"Centralised messenger Signal has just announced that they are making part of their server software closed source. They claim it is to fight spam, but by using closed source they make it impossible for outsiders to verify the truth. This is worrying.
We really, really need a fully open, decentralised alternative to Signal.
There are several alternatives being developed, please support them:
➡️ @matrix
➡️ @delta
➡️ @briar
➡️ @Jami "
Delta chat and Briar are P2P, so probably okayish, but unfortunately, they are also funded by US regime change bodies to support coup organizers in Latin America etc.
Hence, I suggest supporting Matrix.org, and modern e2e-first XMPP projects like snikket.org instead.
Sources ?
Tin foil hat on their heads.
removed, matrix is shit, it costs so much to host, just say xmpp projects from now on
I like Matrix and use it along with Signal, but it leaks significant metadata compared to Signal https://gitlab.com/libremonde-org/papers/research/privacy-matrix.org/-/blob/master/part1/README.md
It’s not a real solution, an alternative, yes, but only has federation/self hosting above Signal. Signal leaks significantly less data.