I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • lol at the thought of “this part of your body that you use multiple times every day for vital survival functions and various other functions like communication is mostly cosmetic, you’ll do just fine without!”

    Teeth bleaching is cosmetic, crowns and fillings and whatever are restoration of normal functioning.

    If we were meant to be ok without properly functioning teeth, we wouldn’t have teeth in the first place. That’s a stupid argument biologically speaking. (No offense intended to you personally, ofc)

    I understand that Americans have a disproportionate focus on the -specifically cosmetic- aspects of oral hygiene, whiteness and straightness, primarily, but to say that most oral care is unnecessary and purely cosmetic is just absolute hogwash.

    Mind you this is from someone who intends to get all her teeth ripped out and replaced with implants because no matter what I do, I average a cavity every 2-4 years. It’s cheaper in the long run to get implanted dentures than to fight my genes. So I understand entirely the being toothless by 30 (tho I’m 36 and still have all of them, I think I have more fillings than teeth at this point, and if most of those weren’t done free in the military I’d just have no teeth) but I disagree vehemently with the idea that that’s totally fine and won’t cause problems.

  • If that’s the case, then why does every dental plan cover routine stuff and barely help with emergency?

    Dental “insurance” is exactly the opposite of what you said it should be. It covers routine stuff but lol if you want to use it for anything else, what with their max coverage for a plan year thing and all (which routinely is far less than half of your out of pocket cost for anything other than simple fillings, and if you weren’t paying for the do-nothing insurance every year, you’d be in largely the same financial position)

  • I wish that worked for me. I’d love to have someone give me a BS miracle drug sugar pill and actually be able to believe them. Even subconsciously. But subconsciously, I automatically disbelieve miracle claims (and even most efficacy claims) until looking at the clinical trial data.

    Years of chronic pain and gobs of different meds to control it, most entirely ineffective but with side effects, does things to a person already inclined toward doubt. I’m also prone to nocibo responses, like the guy in the comic, but I think it’s sensations that are always there, I’m just being asked not to ignore the state of my body like I usually do, so I actually notice them.

  • I’ve served food and it turns out it’s literally impossible to find a time when the table doesn’t have a mouthful, and actually make it to the table before one happens.

    If you are by yourself sure, but 2+, can’t be done. Mostly because of conversation - one talks the other eats, then swap. I’ve tried many many times (when slow) because it bugs the shit out of me when it happens to me… which is always.

  • Hard pass. Even on android I hated the gboard. Absolutely not willing to let them view all my typing to use it, even if it’s hands down better than the iOS board.

    Apple getting that info is bad enough (I assume they do even if they say they don’t) I don’t need to open to a second known-bad entity (because it will be both, not one or the other, I know what apple does with development)

    (Maybe that was the joke? I worry about this all the time…)

  • Unfortunately this all happened in my early 20s, I went to college after, but there’s still a big gap that can’t be explained by school alone (and it’s a gap because I had military service prior to that which I always list)

    I got stuck on the tempy-go-round (only able to find contracts due to gaps, and too many contracts to land a permanent job - several employers asked why I prefer contracts… I don’t, it’s all I could get… but that answer is it’s own can of worms…). I finally found a permanent job and realized I spent so much time on contracts that I can’t do the same thing day in day out for more than a year without driving myself bonkers. Ultimate catch-22.

    So I’m going back to contracts. However, not entry level desperation contracts, ones actually using my degree. Covid remote work was an absolute silver lining for my field - used to be impossible to find positions, now they are there and pay super well (6 mths to make what I make in a year now), but mostly contract.

  • I just say “it’s personal, and I won’t be discussing it.” If they don’t want to hire me because of it, I don’t want to work there anyway.

    It’s absolutely none of their business what I was doing, especially that I went into a deep depression after my mom died and my live-in ex cheated on me while I was caring for her, and then spent a couple years selling her non-sentimental possessions to live off. And I’m not willing to make up some bullshit to hide it either, it happened and I’m not ashamed of it, but I’m not sharing it with interviewers. Meh meh.