I dunno, I kinda like Pithy Folk Ignorance.
I dunno, I kinda like Pithy Folk Ignorance.
The last time I made anything like a profile for tinder was when I made one for PoF back in the before times, in the long-long ago, the year 2007. I didn’t have fish pictures, but I did have a picture of me riding a unicycle.
It was more effective than I expected.
And then they will leave for a more idyllic life in the country because it’s so noisy.
I’m pretty sure the large open field behind my house, which used to be full of trees, is going to be turned into another gated neighborhood full of cookie cutter houses. And I just know someone is going to be close to my back yard, and they are going to whine about my wife’s chickens, especially since one of them is a rooster.
So they will piss and moan and try to make us get rid of the rooster. And then they will probably get a small dog that yaps all night.
I’ll also point out that there was an explicit understanding with the west.
Is “The West” the US only?
This. Stop begging the US for money and guns with one side of your mouths while telling us how terrible we are for everything with the other. We are facing some pretty significant issues of our own, and I know that when shit gets bad here, there won’t be a single country anywhere that will help us.
Did they forget that Finland created Simo Heyha?
I’ve almost bought DIvinity Original Sin a couple of times, is it any good?
I don’t see how much data can be recovered from broken, bent pieces. If you’re really concerned, you can use a torch to raise a magnetic platter until it glows, this raises it above it’s curie temperature so all the magnetic particles stop being magnetic.
I like to take the hard drive(s) out and either drill holes in them or beat them to pieces with a big hammer.
Dear old Dad worked in IT, and he had a clearly marked “hard drive eraser”. It was a 20 pound sledgehammer.
My wife and I tried it this year, and we ended up with a lot of food from a spot ~110 m2 in size. We also have a couple of chickens, they are mostly pets that eat ticks and clear the ground while giving us eggs.
I say we need more backyard farms.
First of all, disclaimer, I’m just a random weirdo on the internet. I don’t have a law degree, I’m not a politician. I’m probably naked and masturbating while writing this.
Are we going to have a Civil War 2: Now With More F150’s where it’s the north vs the south? No.
Are we going to reach a point where the US sort of falls apart into separate little countries after a lot of unpleasantness? I’m not as confident in saying “No”.
I think what will happen first is less “civil war” and more “societal collapse”. There are very few places in the US where someone can rent an apartment by themselves, and have a decent life with nice hobbies, while only having one income. Buying a house by yourself is even farther out of reach.
But I am noticing something that is a lot closer to everyone than real estate: food is getting expensive. A hamburger at a fast food joint used to be a quick and cheap, although not healthy, way to get lunch, but now a combo meal basically anywhere is $15. For one person. So cook at home, right? Ignoring the difficulties of cooking for oneself after working both jobs, or working all day at one job, that isn’t much cheaper. Making a healthy meal for yourself and your family is a skill that not everyone has, and groceries aren’t cheap either. I think the first thing that is going to happen is going to be mass food theft, followed by food riots. It’s already starting in fact, how many memes have popped up with variations on the saying “If you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t”? Stealing food from a large company is acceptable for a lot of people. With rising COL, we will approach a point where a majority of people cannot afford food, and food isn’t a house or a shiny new car. Food isn’t a choice.
There will be hysterical articles in NYT about how these poor struggling retailers are losing SO MUCH money (but not really) from theft, and you’ll start seeing two squad cars parked outside of every grocery store and walmart - even in “nice” areas.
And that’s where things will start to escalate. Not everyone likes police now, and seeing a neighbor thrown on the ground and arrested, if not just killed, in walmart because she was trying to get food for her family isn’t going to make them more popular. One or two cops cannot fend off everyone in a walmart. Oh, the cops have guns? That’s adorable, so do some people in a walmart. Political feelings about police won’t matter when it’s your stomach growling, when it’s your children going hungry.
I expect this would be the point where food would get locked up, only distributed by employees. Which would make it cost more, and more time consuming to acquire. There will be lines. There will also be people who will grow food - but not everyone can do that, and I’m cynical enough to think that some locales will pass laws against “backyard farming” in the name of “food safety”, pushed by grocery stores trying to get that extra .025% profit this quarter.
What will happen once people can’t get food, will be the local PD being completely unable to enforce anything.
Remember that it’s bread AND circuses.
I used to work with a guy who could draw. He would absentmindedly create masterpieces with a sharpie and a dirty sheet of cardboard while waiting on a machine to finish. He said the only reason he can do it is because he practiced.
Every cool thing you see someone do, they’re only capable of it because they kept trying every day.
I used to work in a warehouse that had toilet paper like this.
Funny thing was, it was a warehouse full of toilet paper. So there was typically a roll of something better in the bathroom, sitting on top of the dispenser.
Watched a video from the “Townsend” channel on youtube while I was off work after a surgery back in January. He does a lot of 18th century cooking, in a kitchen without any modern equipment. I remember him making some bread and I thought “Wait - that’s not impossible, it doesn’t even look difficult”.
I tried to make some bread and it was amazing. Which lead me to try making something else… and now, in December, I’m able to cook a bunch of cool things that even my daughter will eat. I made cookies for Thanksgiving (chocolate chip, and some chai spice cookies I was experimenting with) and they all vanished, while my aunt, who makes cookies for a living, kept reminding people that she had made some cookies too.
My wife and I are visibly thinner and healthier than we were this time last year. We keep trying to cook new things, and it keeps working.
A lot of my weekends start with an early-morning motorcycle ride to the store to get the one or two things I need to make something, and I hope that the image of a large, unpleasant looking bearded man on a harley running to the store for stuff to make cookies tickles everyone.
They’ll just expand the Chicken Tax to cover EV’s.
Some are but most aren’t. Can’t really tell a difference.
American here. That oily “cheese” is gross. We have normal cheese, even normal pre-sliced cheese that doesn’t have the plastic film wrapping it. The brand I normally get for sandwiches has a plastic zip-lock package, and the slices themselves are separated by wax paper. I prefer the pepper jack, but sometimes I go for swiss or provolone.
Im glad I wasn’t the only one to notice this.
This has less to do with pornography than it does normalizing one more goddamn camera.
Say it again for the people in the back.
I wish I or someone else who understands CAD modeling could help make FreeCAD work better. A LOT of the issue is tools that are commonly used are hidden in weird places that make sense only to people who don’t used cad for a living.