What can you do on your android tv that you can do on an Apple TV?
What can you do on your android tv that you can do on an Apple TV?
I’m happy they are making an official app. I think having an app will be a big help for user adoption.
I’m not a dev, but why are there always android apps for this stuff and infrequently iOS apps?
Is it because of the yearly fee to publish apps for iOS?
My tv is just a 720p panel 😂
I’m an American and I had a pretty decent job out of college and the idea of moving out of my parents house without roommates was impossible. In fact I don’t know a single person who did it.
$5000 might not be life changing for me, but it would take me a really long time to save that much.
Americans have high salaries compared to the rest of the world, but everything is really expensive so things kind of balance out.
One thing to consider is that the higher salaries make it easier to get things like an iPhone or MacBook. But all the things that are needs like housing, food, and a car are almost too expensive to afford.
Most people have a car loan, most people don’t even dream of owning a home any longer. When you see that you will never earn enough for a home, then you don’t really save for it.
When the amount you earn that. An be saved is too little then you don’t really bother with it.
Most Americans do not live nearly as well as it is portrayed on TV or in movies.
I’ll add on to this that most Americans have debt for some reason or another besides having a car and house. A lot of people have student debts that are oppressive some people have medical debt as well.
Gas prices are reasonably low, but everything is so far that you end up using a decent amount of gas to get around.
Well if it’s all handled by Apple I can assume that there is a reasonable amount of security in the way the message is stored.
If a third party gets involved, then I don’t know if the message is read, copied, or stored insecurely by them.
I didn’t read the article, but Apple does advertise a certain level of privacy and security with iMessage. A company getting around that kind of defeats apples “promise”.
So, I don’t blame them for turning it off, but they realistically should bring iMessage to android.
Yeah, when it first launched on Xbox one.
I 100% know what you mean. The game feels old, but that’s because it’s a 360 title. It’s hard to remember that at times.
I’m not buying a console for this game. Pc gaming has gotten a lot bigger, I’d be surprised if they skipped it.
I got it for free from Epic.
With that being said, I did purchase it for Xbox one when it first launched.
As others have said, you can’t. I’ve tried as they used to give me these gross ads about deep ear cleaning. The ads would show them digging old crusty earwax out of an ear. It was 100% not appropriate and was extremely gross. Like watching someone go it gross.
I’m sure it was all fake, but I still could not believe they would/could show that stuff.
I was just thinking about why many things on Linux are better. Like the install process on Linux is years ahead of windows.
Then it occurred to me that windows only improves things that can make them money. If you need to install windows, then you can deal with the crappy installer.
Linux devs improve the parts they think need to be better. The decisions are not guided by money and can be made without bias.
Accidentally wipes out Mint last week, but have been meaning to try out Fedora 39 Plasma. So far, I love it. I have been really busy recently, but it has been a great system so far. My SteamDeck really made me fall in love with Plasma.
I know that creators do not get ad revenue if you use an adblocker, so I assume it works the same way for things like free tube.
Linux tech tips has talked a bit about adblocker on YouTube and so has Louis rossman. I think they can see it
They mentioned something about authentication changes. So I’m guessing it’s related to that.
I could be wrong, but I read someone else’s comment years ago that said the suit was like that on purpose and it was a way for the emperor to control him or something.
Anyway, that might not even be canon even if it’s in some book or game.
Haha, I never considered that perspective I envy may cats often, but they do freak out at the smallest thing, like one cat is terrified of trash bags, but only when they are empty.
I’m pretty sure they say, “aluma-lum”
Sure they could, but you are a a bit more anonymous and don’t keeps logs, then there may be nothing to hand over.
Hosting your own vps directly ties internet traffic to you. They can see your ip is part of a swarm and see who owns it. If it’s owned by some guy, they can press you. If it’s owned by a company with a legal team, it’s much more difficult.
Does fdroid even work on android tv?