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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2023

  • I’d like to specifically highlight the Swill Milk Scandal also.

    The New York Times reported an estimate that in one year, 8,000 infants died from swill milk. The milk from swill-fed cows, produced in dense urban areas and often priced as low as 6 cents per quart, was affordable to most of New York City’s poorest residents. Swill milk dairies were noted for their filthy conditions and overpowering stench both caused by the close confinement of hundreds (sometimes thousands) of cows in narrow stalls where, once farmers tied them, they would stay for the rest of their lives, often standing in their own manure, covered with flies and sores, and suffering from a range of virulent diseases.

    Sound familiar?

    The Tammany Hall politician Alderman Michael Tuomey, known as “Butcher Mike”, defended the distillers vigorously throughout the scandal—in fact, he was put in charge of the Board of Health investigation… Tuomey assumed a central role in the ensuing investigations and … shielded the dairies and turned the hearings into one-sided exercises designed to make dairy critics and established health authorities look ridiculous.

    Sound familiar? However people were so enraged that eventually laws passed regardless, and then finally at the federal level.

    Most people don’t know about it, but this was basically THE incident that led to the modern FDA. It keeps coming up too. Recently we’ve had the raw milk fad, but also various melamine adulteration incidents (melamine is used to fool modern protein assays, but is basically the 21st century version of swill milk). There’s also occasional “grass roots” efforts to loosen the regulation on milk labeling, ostensibly for plant based milks, but I am suspicious this is astroturfing by the dairy industry because it’s exactly what they’ve been fighting for since the Pure Food and Drug Act passed.

  • School dreams are very rare now, and when I have them the “cast” is all people from various adult jobs. I never knew my actual school mates as adults, so I guess my brain just can’t fill it in. If I was actually transported back to high school and saw them again it would probably feel like being surrounded by babies, so makes sense that “central casting” sends in adult stand-ins.

    I’m always an adult too. What’s weird is I remember being a child. I remember my body being clumsy and awkward, I remember being confused by adult concepts, I remember being small. It never comes out in childhood dreams, I’m always my present age.

  • That’s one kind, and Rust’s “ownership” concept does mean there’s built-in compile time checks to prevent dangling pointers or unreachable memory. But there’s also just never de-allocating stuff you allocated even though it’s still reachable. Like you could just make a loop that allocates memory and never stops and that’s a memory leak, or more generally a “resource leak”, if you prefer.

    Rust is really good at keeping you from having a reference to something that you think is valid but it turns out it got mutated way down in some class hierarchy and now it’s dead, so you have a null pointer or you double free, or whatever. But it can’t stop the case where your code is technically valid but the resource leak is caused by bad “logic” in your design, if that makes sense.