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Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月12日


  • Slightly bigger? Look again, the old switch screen has massive boarders and this one lokks to go to the edges as well as being larger by a few inches. It looks steam deck sized. I would say its a significant increase.

    And i got the impression that the joycons would be magnetic. That would make connecting and disconnecting them MUCH easier and intuitive. The amount of times ive seen people struggle the first time with the joycons having the button to release.

    Seems like a good upgrade to me. And thats not to mention the extra shoulder buttons on the joycons, the larger joycons, and the fact that this likely doesnt reveal everythin nintendo has in store for us.

  • Go and get checked for sleep apnea.

    This was happening to me alot. Waking up multiple times a night, desperate for water, like, pints of it, then do a big wee and back to bed.

    I started getting issue with staying alert and awake in the day, i was dozing off in work meetings (not fully, but like when your head dips and just jolt awake again)

    If you dont have it, then great, mark that off the list.

    If you do have it, get it dealt with because it’s bad for your heart as your body uses adrenaline to wake you when you stop breathing and leaving it untreated shaves years off your life.

    If you let it go too far you can be suspended from driving and all sorts until you get it under control.

  • They sound a lot like an ex colleague of mine who had aspergers. They latched on to me because they got promoted to a different team in the same office as me when i got promoted and they would not stop talking to me, and about the most inane and mundane shit. Stuff i didnt gove a fuck about

    I would be polite i would answer and engage in the conversation but if it had been too long and i felt managers eyes in the back of my head i would just fizzle out and start to turn back to my screen and say something like “ok, well, i need to get on” and they would go away.

    I believe they were this way because of aspergers. They could never tell when i was uninterested or when i was busy with something. They didn’t pick up on social cues. They just kept talking.

    I wonder if it’s a similar reason with your colleague?