I guess we have most of the ingredients to make this happen. Software-wise we’re there, hardware wise I’m still waiting for AR glasses I can replace my normal glasses with (that I wear 24/7 except for sleep). I’d accept having to carry a spare in a charging case so I swap them out once a day or something but other than that I want them to be close enough in terms of weight and comfort to my regular glasses and just give me AR like overlaid GPS, notifications, etc, and indeed instant translation with subtitles would be a function that I could see having a massive impact on civilization tbh.
This is part of a bigger movie trope which is basically “ain’t nobody got time for that”. You never see them lock the door behind themselves when leaving the house, or fumble to find their keys, or any of these small actions that are actually required in real life just gets skipped over during the editing unless there’s a specific reason the audience needs to see it.