Say something about the Big C and you get hit with a message from admins.
There’s only one answer. What’s the point of this question? The only people that would want total wipe out are the ones that say stuff like “Humanity is a cancer on the world I shall go and do a clean-up!”.
Don’t turn here into r/AskReddit please.
“wOmEn oF rEdddddIttt!!! wHaT’S THE SEXIEST SEX YOU’VE EVER HAD!!!”
Wouldn’t it be a better idea to donate a big amount of money to a single project rather than small amounts to many projects?
Don’t get me wrong, I do support donating to projects but 5 bucks are nothing. Might as well not donate. Donating 50 dollars to one project is much better.
Honestly I am really proud of everything in my life. I have learned English all by myself and I have always helped people around school with it which made me (plus being good looking and an interesting person) made me “the popular kid” in the school. In high school I was in a boys only school which really made me anxious when I speak with a girl my age. Guess that’s what happens when you don’t talk to a single girl of your age for 4 years. I’m not joking. I really have no female friends.
Another thing I’m proud of is my knowledge on computers. Which I assume is the majority here so I’ll skip that.
I have befriended people of many types. Some were confident, outgoing people. And some were anxious, shy, insecure people. The kind of people that are afraid of making eye contact with you when speaking. I have seen those people change around me. I learned that simply listening engaging in conversation with them opens them up. And now those people are not shy anymore! They engage in activities with other people and are happy. My companionship helped them navigate through their issues and they realized that if a person such as me listens and cares about them, there are people out there that will. And I’m really proud of myself for changing their lives.
*linux-hostile-anti-cheat multiplayer titles
I suggest you look up “Microsoft Halloween Documents”. They DO NOT see Linux as their friend.
Which is completely intentional.
Oops. Sorry mate. I’ll edit that out now.
That was a good read. Albeit a bit “heroic” (sorry if that sounds weird English is not my native language).
I personally think Elon Musk acquiring Twitter and turning into X (a.k.a Elon’s Ego Masturbation center) was pretty good for us.
If a person carries their trash with them until they stumble upon a trash bin they instantly have a plus in my book.
I personally use Phonograph Plus although it has it’s own share of issues. The best one in my opinion was Vinyl Music Player but it had some issues with SD cards.
Yes I do have a brother. I like him even though he’s not exactly a bright person.
But I wouldn’t classify this as a “complex”. Perhaps I should have explained it further. When I meet a new person, let’s say I saw them in a hallway and decided to talk and vice versa, I talk about philosophy, books, art, humanity’s issues etc. (Not pretending to know about those) But after we split and see each other again, I talk about stupid/pointless stuff. Such as “If I were a tree I would drop my apples on random people’s heads”
I never bring up philosophy and stuff unless they bring it up or there is something around us that reminds me of it.
Which is why it’s optional I suppose.
I don’t know if this qualifies (probably doesn’t) but When I meet a new person, I like to act like a smart guy at first and then act like a moron afterwards. It feels nice for some reason.
The lesser of two evils is Android as it’s like they put closed-source software on top of open source software (see AOSP) whereas on iPhone it’s all closed.
It’s always “unintended behavior” isn’t it?
I really enjoy getting the most out of a computer/mobile device that I have. I love trying out different OSes, messing with a video game to squeeze as much as performance possible etc.
Pandora’s Box is already open. Might as well make use of it.