Looking good! Maybe a couple of minutes longer in the oven. I’ve been baking bread for years, but I only got decent at it once I found a bakers apprentice book. It helped me understand the very basics of the chemistry and physics behind it.
Looking good! Maybe a couple of minutes longer in the oven. I’ve been baking bread for years, but I only got decent at it once I found a bakers apprentice book. It helped me understand the very basics of the chemistry and physics behind it.
Public facing. Has to be “viewable in two or less clicks”, so for example in your about page. Thats what is so spicy about this. I’ve got a YouTube channel but “luckily” not enough viewers to monetize, I’d hate to put my info out there for everyone to mess with.
Yep, stupid me copied the wrong link, updated now with the proper one.
Hmm I don’t think so? Not sure but it is this article
Yeah I meant it more like Germany doesn’t do it for the same reasons as China.
I know its not the same thing but in Germany you have something called “Impressumspflicht” for everything you publish online if you intend to monetize it in any way. For example you have to specify your full name and address, an email address and your phone number if you run a YouTube channel or twitch.
Haha, yeah, sounds about right! No neurons, yet so determined.
To me Macrophages are the single most interesting creatures(symbiotes?) in the human body. I’ve read so much about them yet know so little.
So cool! Thanks for sharing.
Yeah I’ve heard Wine has gotten really decent. Maybe I should give it a shot. Change is always a bit hard, when it comes to habits.
Same with ‘compatibility telemetry runner’ after every update I have to disable it and delete the .exe from system32. None of the permanently disable tricks work. Plus I always have to run “oo shutup” to disable the other privacy stuff. I wish I could switch to another is, but most of my software is windows only.
Yeah, that might be the case. I recently drove to Berchtesgaden and it was better in the south. I live near the Danish border. Haha, people here are a bit laid back.
The Autobahn has become very tiring to drive on. Most people somehow decided that its easiest to drive in the middle lane at slow(ish) speeds, while the right lane stays empty for long stretches. Since you are not allowed to overtake on the right lane, both the left lane and the middle lane are clogged most of the time, averaging about 100-120 Km/h. If the public transportation was a bit more reliable and cheaper I would sell my car.
If you date a building, is it free real estate?
Thanks for the info! I think i bought a mozzarella for baking once that peeled like that. I put it into a pizza crust and it was really delicious.
Ah okay! I think i know what that is, sort of like real mozzarella but less ripe in a way, so it peels sort of stripy?
What are string cheese sticks, my precious? —A European
I’m German too, while I usually prefer southern german beer with a strong wheat, malt and yeast flavour I also occasionally like to explore other flavours like IPA or more exotic ones from different countries. I mean, drink what you like or don’t drink at all (which might be better, health-wise). Gates open, come on in.
It’s called Sex Panther by Odeon. It’s illegal in nine countries… Yep, it’s made with bits of real panther, so you know it’s good. […] They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time. –Brian Fantana
Nice! Great crust and structure.