Turbo Wash by Jack Black/Old Spice swagger deoderant
Turbo Wash by Jack Black/Old Spice swagger deoderant
The Ritual - psuedo-Lovecraftian horror with no explanation No One Gets Out Alive - more psuedo-Lovecraftian horror with no explanation Mama - Guillermo del Toro is awesome NightBooks - Sam Raimi Hansel & Gretel tale that’s tame enough for the kids but spooky enough for the adults
Those are some that I hadn’t seen before this season. I pretty much watch horror from mid-September on, so there’s a bunch of the old favorites that got watched, but these surprised me.
The Splatterhouse series!
Brain - I want to be able to perform real multitasking.
Am I just a tech-peasant by using Book Reader? It’s not the flashiest but I dig it.
Name your kid Concise
I’m full WFH, and if I plugged one in it would be an instant firing. I don’t have time any for anything but work in the day anyways, they have very high expectations.
Ah, one who was here in the beginning; one who knows the Old Ways
You WILL actually end up with a boring, white collar job, and you can make a lot more money a hell of a lot easier if you don’t get any tattoos from the neck up.
Also, you hate them but you’re really good with computers.
Weber grills and smokers.
'It’s the ciiiiircle of liiiiife…"
Lol, no one remembers ISO 8601 when they’re drunk.
SLAAAAAAACKWAAAAARE!!! Slackware is good.
Debian is a nice second.
gpupdate /force