Wow turns out there already is one: c/discordianism
Wow turns out there already is one: c/discordianism
Wait guys there is already a community and I even was a member already: c/discordianism (sorry don’t know how to find a community link on voyager mobile, just use search)
I have sent my telekinetic powers across the noösphere, now we wait until a brave soul actually starts doing it because I have no idea how to create and maintain instances either but maybe I’ll look into it
It’s like descartian but with a twist
I remember facebook had a really nice Discordian group, but people there were mostly older and I don’t think they would consider moving to an alternative platform or if they are moslty even aware of fediverse, but by my papal decree I shall announce a new instance devoted to our Lady
So tor is compromised?
Bodhi linux is ubuntu/debian based (but no snaps out of the box) and is good for older hardware both because it is lightweight and because it has support for 32 bit architecture, but it comes bundled with chromium not firefox, but you can easily install ff (or even better librewolf) and remove chromium.
Also there are bsds - I don’t know about Bottles and Inkscape but you might be interrested to try out NomadBSD which is for USB boot but can also be installed on hardware, it is freebsd based and comes bundled with FireFox+UBlockOrigin (altho it’s an older version you’ll need to update the packages)
You mean electricity bills for powering the storage? I guess buying 100pb worth of storage disks would be pretty expensive enough but since it’s an archive there is no need to keep it powered 24/7, just turn them on only when you need to. It’s just a hypothetical situation anyway, it’s a thing I wish to have access to; only an experienced sysadmin can actually maintain such great archive or its copy/backup
If you’d download the whole wikipedia be sure to download the whole commets section for each article to have a perspective on discussions on conflicting reasons for edits. Also include all the wiki media materials for all of the public domain literature, project gutenberg, entire, a good offline OS to be able to consume all of the information and you’re golden
Duck cars