• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I honestly gotta say that I really liked JJ Abrams Star Trek from 2009. I say that as a huge Star Trek fan. It was like a reimagined of the good 'ol fable of captain Kirk and his brave little crew of adventurers. It had all the things that I normally hate (first and foremost: perpetually moving camera, too many lense flares), but in this movie it worked.

    His Ep7 would work if it could exist in isolation to the rest of the franchise.

    To be honest star wars has been shit for decades. the only exceptional Star Wars after the OG Trilogy was “Rogue One” and the exceptional “Andor”. The rest is for little children.

  • posted before maybe:

    • filters with a timeout (filters that disappear after a while). The filter might remain in a list of filters and can be reset again (or gets deleted after timeout). This would be a middle ground between blocking certain things completely and not at all.

    • weighing of certain communities. A weight of 0 would be the same as blocking. A weight of 1 doesn’t change anything. A Weight of 0.5 would multiply the upvotes of posts by 0.5 in order to change its position on the frontpage. ( I am not sure how exactly the rank is determined, but weighing certain meme-communities lower would be nicer than completely blocking them - i like a nice stupid meme from time to time. am not sure how this could work on reality, son this might not have a perfect solution though.

  • How does that work? Is threads using a protocol compatible to lemmy? (And I fully agree with the preemptive blocking of any facebook stuff).

    Edit: thanks for all the detailled answers.

    So Facebook tries the old EEE - Embrace Extend Extinguish. 1.A big company is Embracing an open source standard ("we’re friendly, see?) They get a lot of users that way - even the open source savvy types. 2.they start Extending that standard “to make it even better” - but not talking about these changes with the rest of the community first. They cannot react quickly enough and become incompatible with the new version of this standard. 3.Extinguish. When all the users are effectively using the big companies platform with something that isn’t the original standard anymore they change it so much that it isn’t compatible at all anymore or replace it completely.