It looks like they created a monster trying to fit a bunch of features in a face. It’s on all thumbnails, same as clickbait videos. It’s a marketing stunt.
It looks like they created a monster trying to fit a bunch of features in a face. It’s on all thumbnails, same as clickbait videos. It’s a marketing stunt.
Because they seek money and with this marketing stunt they got plenty of ads.
Time to review bomb google
If Finland did not have such a military, it would be invaded.
That’s a speculation you are making, russia spend 20 times as much as finland does in war they wouldn’t have much problems invading finland if it was all about military strength.
That is what empires do
That’s true USA does the same.
Ideally, neither side would have to waste money on this military, but until Russia gives up theirs, Finland can’t give up theirs either.
While finland spend less than russia NATO combined spend 20 times as much as russia does in war. Do you see where your logic leads? To match USA alone russia would have to tenfold their military budget.
Focus on your exercises and don’t get distracted by other people. If you can’t keep up your attention move to another place less crowded.
You need protection from greedy politicians and the military industry sucking in public money and fueling wars.
I would give proprietary software 18+ rating too, nobody know what’s inside.