I think the reason that Graphene OS only uses Google Pixels is because they offer the most hardware security out of any phone. To be honest I don’t think its too much of an issue because obviously installing Graphene OS onto the phone will completely degoogle the device.
My Current list as of 2021
https://sizeof.cat/ https://www.schneier.com/ https://icyphox.sh/ http://tv54samlti22655ohq3oaswm64cwf7ulp6wzkjcvdla2hagqcu7uokid.onion https://matt.traudt.xyz/ https://edwardsnowden.substack.com/ https://blog.mozilla.org/en/ https://blog.m00t.xyz/ https://inteltechniques.com/blog/ https://www.billdietrich.me/ComputerSecurityPrivacy.html https://www.cupwire.com/ https://thenewoil.xyz/ https://www.huntonprivacyblog.com/ https://www.wired.com/category/threatlevel/ https://freedom-to-tinker.com/ https://thilobuchholz.de/ https://restoreprivacy.com/ https://spreadprivacy.com/ https://www.thenewoil.xyz/ https://startpage.com/privacy-please/ https://infosec-handbook.eu/ https://www.eff.org/deeplinks https://www.thetinhat.com/ https://drewdevault.com/ https://seirdy.one/ https://brainfucksec.github.io/
Misinformation is a really hard thing to counter to be honest and I think that it defo shouldn’t be in the hands of a central authority to handle misinformation.
I am in support of it.
XMPP took me less than 1.5 hours to setup using prosody and I had a e2e encrypted chat session and from what I can see on the server side logs the only thing its actually logging is when the client authenticated to the server and when the client has disconnected