just run both!
Buddhist, FOSS, Linux, selfhosting enthusiast, researcher, plantbased, anarchism and MLM interested
just run both!
This sounds smart and helpful but may I ask how much work will be put into this workflow and how much time will it actually save you? If I can’t be bothered to search for the new paper typically it isn’t worth my time.
If you find the answer I’d also love to know! Zotero is awesome
Exact same for me, but I worry about some random electrical or bios issue that can’t be controlled when I’m gone.
Honestly I’d buy it
Yeah I do do that as well :)
I’m just worried that something goes wrong hardware wise or bios wise and I can’t turn it off or it causes a house issue.
For which one? I use ublock so I don’t see any ads.
So if you need to have access to files or containers but will be gone more than a weekend would you shut it down and take files with you, forget the container servers, or leave them going?
What?? I didn’t mentioned vpn access.
You can’t see the other communities because no one from your instances subscribes. I also can’t see them.
I wonder what could be more random than it or more fun examples?
I love how the first admin that reminds immediately says talk not working 32 hours a week lol
Depending on if you put its volume in the image or a directory you need to look there. Check size or whichever it is. I believe for directory it’s du -h and for docker you could docker ps to see all.
Oh I see you say taking the directory size takes too long… how could that take more than 10 seconds…? Are you not using CLI
That’s interesting! There also exists a similar thing for 18 wheelers
My 8th grade English teacher made a big deal of reading that book which includes a lot more programming than the movie. I don’t remember the point he wanted to make though…
Finally my time to shine
I’ll read more into it then. Thanks for adding!
That’s my biggest concern as well! My biggest server is put together by random parts I had…