• @aeroplain@lemmy.mlOP
    13 years ago

    Writing a wall of text is one thing. Writing a wall of text trying to get another user banned for… checks notes …being a lib is just… why? It’s not like liberalism is against the rules here. It’s not like their advocating for fascism or engaging in hatespeech.

    • Marxism-Fennekinism
      13 years ago

      Writing a wall of text trying to get another user banned for… checks notes …being a lib

      Did you even read the post? It wasn’t calling them out for being a lib, it was calling them out for being disruptive to Lemmy, propaganda pushing, and arguing in bad faith. All with evidence.

      • @aeroplain@lemmy.mlOP
        3 years ago

        You’re right. They accuse them of many other nefarious things:

        dismissing critical thinking, and trying to shill centralised biased fact checkers

        This has only one goal – to degrade quality of posters and posting on Lemmy, and make everyone a brainless shitposter like the ones you find on r/worldnews or r/woahdude on Reddit. This in turn will make Lemmy look like a junkyard to anyone that comes here and sees the mess, and make them “go back to Reddit”. [Emphasis mine]


    • soronixa
      03 years ago

      poor soferman isn’t even a lib (at least in the American sense), they’re a social democrat I think.

        • soronixa
          03 years ago

          honestly at this point I can no longer tell who’s a lib. at first I thought libs were american democrats, then I saw people calling centrists libs too, and recently I’ve seen people calling anarchists libs too. so I don’t really know, but that’s why I specified that I meant American liberal.

          • @kimjong_ill@lemmy.ml
            13 years ago

            okay so american “liberals” and “conservatives” are libs. “centrists” are libs. social democrats are libs. people who believe in things like “individual rights and freedoms” are libs. hence why anarchists are sometimes called libs - they are individualists & idealists.

            • soronixa
              03 years ago

              so only the two ends of the spectrum, communists and fascists aren’t, libs?

              and if being a lib is undesirable, doesn’t it mean “individual rights and freedoms” a bad thing in your view?

              • @aeroplain@lemmy.mlOP
                13 years ago


                It’s a little bit more complicated than that. The “everyone I don’t like is a lib” thing is mostly a meme. The reason why leftists hate liberals is that they generally support maintaining capitalism/imperialism, as well as their supposed tendency to both advertantly and indavertantly prop up fascists durring times of great political change (“scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds”).

                I’m not an authoirty on this, so I beg you to take everything I say with a heaping helping of salt. Here is a playlist of five ten-minute video essays about this.

              • @kimjong_ill@lemmy.ml
                13 years ago

                so only the two ends of the spectrum, communists and fascists aren’t, libs?

                for the purpose of calling people libs on the internet, yes. reality is more nuanced.

                doesn’t it mean “individual rights and freedoms” a bad thing

                yes. individualism is a tool of the bourgeoisise. communists want “everything for the masses”.