Hi everyone! I wanted to know what people thought of WriteFreely and Plume and which one you would recommend for a personal blog. Also, if you can, could you suggest some instances? From looking, I often come across instances with strangely little on their about page, and can’t work out who administrates them. Thanks!

    • poVoq
      12 years ago

      Any blogging platform supports RSS. So you can subscribe to them just fine.

      What federation brings to the table is the back-channel, i.e. comments. If you don’t want that, you don’t want federation IMHO.

        • poVoq
          22 years ago

          Yes I know. But you can also just post a link on Mastodon to the blog (via an RSS bot for example). If there are no federated comments, it is functionally identical.

      • musicmatze
        02 years ago

        (Just to mention it:) writefreely only publishes articles via Activitypub but does not have a way to view replies on an article (yet?).

        • Halce
          12 years ago

          Yes, exactly. Personally, I think Plume does it the right way here.