I’ve been using KDE Plasma on my Levovo Thinkpad Yoga, and while it’s my favorite DE on my desktop where I have a physical mouse and no touchscreen, it’s not great for a laptop plus tablet “convertible” PC. Plasma doesn’t seem to “get” touchscreen input. There’s no automatic on-screen keyboard that pops up when you highlight a text field, you can’t tap and drag, no long-press to right click, and you can only scroll by swiping on the actual scrollbar. Is there another DE, or extension to a DE, that handles inputs more like “Android for laptops”, Chrome OS, or even Windows 10? That is, has a fairly intuitive touchscreen input (it doesn’t have to be perfect like an iPad or something), while still having good support for standard mouse and keyboard. Can anyone recommend anything?

  • Mossy
    22 years ago

    Definitely GNOME. From my experience, it has by far the best touchscreen and gesture support from any mainstream DE