That’s a good question, certainly not something we’re taught in schools/media about nazism. I’m posting this here because although it’s usually a sign for nazi propaganda ahead, i find it’s a good reminder that when a politician proposes to “deport” people (such as Zemmour in France proposing to deport muslims), genocide is how this ends up in most cases.

No, deportation is not more humane. Fuck all nazis, even those wearing a tie/suit and speaking on public television in the 2020s. Did lemmy know social-democracy and authoritarian communism is what gave birth to fascism as we know it? Next week in “did lemmy know”, we’ll talk about anti-muslim genocides in the USSR.

    23 years ago

    Please Keep Lemmy Nazi + anti-semitic shitposts free.

    Every Nazi topic, question and stuff only gets indexed, Neos see that and join the club, which I dislike because I do not want such people in here. We had the story on Ruqqus and bunch of other platforms and it ended up closing it. Because - some - people are obsessed with such topics and the discussion quickly becomes to hot.

    I do not see how such a question has any relevance at all, it does not matter if you deport people to China, Palestine or the Moon. It is purely wrong on multiple levels.

    I do not deny history or so, but I dislike a lot people coming here and over and over and over starting the same things repeatedly which everyone knows, can google or abuses the communities will to help solving legitimate questions.

    Please just do not talk about such things or go into appropriate community, we all know it is wrong and there is nothing to add. Normal people learn this already in history class and from their parents.

    We currently have bigger issues on our hand, climate change, some people who still starve, housing issues, energy crisis an so much more up-2-date problems, which is much more worth to ask questions about or to talk about it.

    • @southerntofu@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      Please Keep Lemmy Nazi + anti-semitic shitposts free.

      100% agree. My post was neither of those.

      we all know it is wrong and there is nothing to add. Normal people learn this already in history class and from their parents.

      That’s not true. History classes are full of imperialist crap and many younger people don’t even know about the holocaust. [0] Also when you get history classes about nazism (like i did… a while ago already) Hitler is demonized as if he was the only white supremacist leader in Europe and liberal democracies were just fine, when in fact Hitler got much inspiration from other european regimes about things such as racial hierarchies or concentration camps. As an anarchist, i’m convinced social democracy is the road to fascism and i believe that’s a point worth debating.

      My point is not to say that Hitler was good in any way, but that other european leaders were not that different. In my view, it’s important to denounce the racism and hypocrisy at the heart of all colonial empires instead of falling into a binary good/bad worldview. If you doubt it, just look up the crimes committed by France in Algeria or the US in Vietnam after WWII and all the promises that we were fighting against Hitler for freedom & equality of races.

      Hitler’s ideas of deporting the jews (before changing plans to mass slaughter) were unknown to me for much of my life, and learning about it helped me get a more critical look at France’s deportation program and at how much of France’s political sphere is preparing for a muslim genocide. If that’s irrelevant to you, sorry. I just felt among the many “removed” posts from the nazi trolls, this one was worthy of attention, if only to outline that you can acknowledge this historical fact and still be very much antifascist.

      We currently have bigger issues on our hand, climate change, some people who still starve, housing issues, energy crisis an so much more up-2-date problems, which is much more worth to ask questions about or to talk about it.

      Oh i agree, if you look at my post history, you’ll notice these are favorite topics of mine and i don’t spend my entire life putting swastikas as attached images for the sake of learning some history trivia ;)


      • CHEF-KOCH
        03 years ago

        That’s not true. History classes are full of imperialist crap and many younger people don’t even know about the holocaust

        Depends on school I would say, I learned it in school. First and Second war is normally part of history class. Your link here refers to UK and does not mention any source for this study. I doubt this is a representation of the entire world, so calling it not true based on one link that is not really credible or representative for everyone is weird.

        My point is not to say that Hitler was good in any way, but that other european leaders were not that different.

        My point is that we do not need such topics on Lemmy, no one spams that Cleopatra had slaves. People who usually spread that tend to be in such a nazi scene or trying to get new people for their site, I think we should let it go at some point, people who are not interested in such topics will not go onto Lemmy for this anyway. They read books, check wikipedia etc if there is such interest. I simply question the motive why people that are not involved or witness in such events post it - constantly.

        Oh i agree, if you look at my post history, you’ll notice these are favorite topics of mine and i don’t spend my entire life putting swastikas as attached images for the sake of learning some history trivia ;)

        I have already checked your profile, which is the only reason why I did not reported this post. I do not strike you for a typical racist but I questioned the motives, but apparently you explained it now. Seems the background core is that your teacher failed to teach you that in your school time.