I was wondering what the point of lemmy was, if we can’t get a certain number of people, we won’t be able to thrive as a community and I don’t see lots of people joining even though it is an open-source and decentralised forum unlike reddit.

There are many obvious things lemmy could do better, should I make a report about it? I think we are lagging behind and not doing things which are obvious. A better GUI for mobile website would be one of the top suggestions I have. thoughs?

  • Mad
    22 years ago

    I don’t think there’s a need to replace Reddit, Lemmy just needs to serve as an alternative for those that want it. And I think there’s plenty of people here for a thriving community. I also think it functions perfectly fine for the most part. The mobile website looks great, and we even have a great mobile app. I’m not sure how reports work with Lemmy, but if you do have any gripes then by all means report them. The one major thing I think is wrong with Lemmy (and honestly the Fediverse in general) is how bad federation is. Communication across instances should be straight-forward and seamless, but it’s often just broken.

    • Liwott
      12 years ago

      @MadScientist @Owell1984

      Lemmy just needs to serve as an alternative for those that want it.

      Woouldn’t it be nice though if most people wanted alternatives to walled gardens?

    • JeraldOP
      -12 years ago

      there aren’t plenty of people here. we need more. we need to be a better alternative.

        • Dessalines
          22 years ago

          Just a note that active monthly on lemmy, means you’ve posted or commented. Reddit might be using that more loosely, as in someone who just views the site. In that case their numbers might be highly inflated, include webcrawlers, etc.

          • @triplenadir@lemmygrad.ml
            12 years ago

            Oh good point, Reddit are almost definitely including people who just vote, and probably people who just view 🤦 Is it easy to get “unique ‘people’ who looked at it” numbers off Lemmy instances, to make a fairer comparison? (Not optimistic that Viacom will be releasing numbers of how many humans they think are actually using Reddit any time soon…)

            • Dessalines
              12 years ago

              For logged in users, there is a table that checks if you’ve read a post, so it’d be possible yes. But IMO just viewing something shouldn’t count as “activity”.

              • @triplenadir@lemmygrad.ml
                22 years ago

                You’re saying you don’t want to add metrics just to have a dick-swinging contest with Reddit’s fake numbers? Confusing 😂

            • Dessalines
              02 years ago

              I think we have this as an open issue, but haven’t done anything with it yet. I wouldn’t mind reactions as long as they’re activitypub compatible.

              • Liwott
                22 years ago

                @dessalines I think you misunderstood, I meant to ask whether comments and votes to lemmy post from other platforms are counted in Lemmy’s activities?

                • Dessalines
                  12 years ago

                  Is it reactions, or votes? Afaik only lemmy votes are federated. What other platform has up and downvotes?

                  • Liwott
                    42 years ago

                    @dessalines Since you mention it, one issue I find with the federation of votes is that from Friendica I can see who the voters are, while I assume Lemmy users may expect their votes to be secret.

                  • Liwott
                    12 years ago

                    @dessalines Up and downvotes from Friendica seem to work very well 😀

                    All I meant was that having a count of active Lemmy users that includes people who interact with Lemmy content may also be useful in probing the importance of the userbase. From example, right now I am directly only using Friendica, but it makes sense to consider that by replying to your comment, I am somehow using Lemmy.