I, recently, started running a Lemmy instance. I am, also, new to Linux servers.

At the advisement of some tech acquaintances, I’ve installed UnnattendedUpgrades and Fail2ban.

What would you recommend?

  • @smorks@lemmy.ca
    42 years ago

    disable root login over ssh, and use public keys auth if possible.

    fail2ban is good, but needs to be configured properly.

    there’s probably lots more, but that’s a start.

      • @smorks@lemmy.ca
        22 years ago

        to be clear, the only way to access ssh is by connecting through the VPN? yeah, it should be fine, as long as your vpn is secure.

    • @suspended@lemmy.mlOP
      12 years ago

      fail2ban is good, but needs to be configured properly.

      Thank you for responding kindly. Is there a resource that you’d recommend looking into proper configuration?

      • @smorks@lemmy.ca
        22 years ago

        I think their doc’s are decent? and I could be wrong, and maybe it depends on the Linux distribution, but I’m just not 100% sure if it actually does anything without some basic configuration.