Wait, you can’t bring back what’s still there can you?

  • Jerald
    52 years ago

    Because the hallmark of fascists is their strong belief in free speech

      • Jerald
        -92 years ago

        “Hate speech”? Well, if it’s not a direct incitement of violence against a community, that’s still ok. It is unthinkable to censor someone to appease some supposed minority.

        And, he might have personally cancelled a journalist’s Tesla order, and that’s unfortunate. But Elon Musk is still an improvement over the draconian censors which were running Twitter previously. You could not have talked about politics that Twitter didn’t like(Hunter Biden story), you could not have talked about Religious books of minorities because exposing bad ideas for what they were was considered hate speech. I am certain that no matter how bad Elon is, he can’t be more censorious than the clowns who ran Twitter previously.

        This for me is certainly a win for free speech.

        • Ora
          32 years ago

          I mean they’re pretty lenient. Obviously I can’t link to removed tweets but the infamous Ben Shapiro “Arabs bomb crap and live in open sewage” tweet was left up. We can deduce that whatever’s taken down is more explicitly racist than that

    • comfy
      02 years ago

      Actually yes, until they no longer need it.