I use uMatrix for years now and SourceHut is the only Website where I have to disable uMatrix completely or else I cannot login. Did anybody else face this problem and solved it with some custom rule or so?

Edit: Problem solved, not uMatrix’ fault.

  • ufra
    23 years ago

    Got it. I was accepted everything from *.sr.ht. If I block the cookies it logs out on refresh. I assume you want to block first party resources from them?

    • @qoheniac@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      Hmm, but I do not block the cookies. Per default I allow everything first-party except scripts and for *.sr.ht my only rule is to allow first-party scripts, so everything first-party is allowed. And it doesn’t block the cookie but deletes it after 10 seconds or so. I never saw this behavior on any other site.

      • ufra
        3 years ago

        After looking around, I see it’s possible my uMatrix is not able to delete cookies due to 1st party isolation. The closest thing I could find to your issue is https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uMatrix-issues/issues/51

        On the other hand, the workaround for the issue here is to simply explicitly allow the cookie for the specific sites:

        subscene.com 1st-party cookie allow

        reddit.com 1st-party cookie allow

        This way there is no ambiguity

        Hopefully someone else can reproduce it.

        • @qoheniac@lemmy.mlOP
          13 years ago

          Oh boy, I just notice I completely wasted your time. uMatrix has nothing to do with it! I use an add-on called Cookie AutoDelete that has a feature which deletes first-party cookies after a domain change if you do not return to the cookies domain within some time (for me 15 seconds). I have had problems with this thing, but it seems like sr.ht triggers it on login and 15 seconds later the cookie is deleted. But I don’t understand why exactly the login process for sr.ht triggers this but no other pages.

          • ufra
            23 years ago

            np. that crossed my mind when I read one github comment that said umatrix reports deleted cookies even if it didn’t delete it. glad you figured it out.