
it’s irrelevant, I was supposed to focus on doing something else

  • Maya
    53 years ago

    Personally, I don’t really want it to be changed; I like that there’s somewhere generic that can serve as a catch-all bin for Fediverse content. However, I think it’s cool that someone (possibly even you??? I don’t have it in a tab) was working on spinning off something to focus on organizing to increase Fediverse adoption. I intend to join such spinoffs as well :)

    I like the fediverse for its nichey communities. It lets content be easily spread across the network for viral serendipity, but also lets people feel like they’re just hanging out with a smaller community where you get to know each other. Within that community, the community has full control and autonomy, which is why it’s better than e.g. the evils of Facebook Groups for what I’m describing. Having a sort of collective/cooperative/socially negotiated service provision creates the nice foundation for the right attitudes for a community to have (I was heavily influenced by ). I like that no one is making money off my attention so no one is incentivized to manipulate me.

    I don’t care as much about censorship resistance, escaping Big Mod, libreness of software (except through how that’s made it something accessible and shaped-by-the-community that a sysadminny type person can spin up without a ton of resources)…

    • @Gwynne@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago


      It still could be the same thing, I thought things would be a bit more fun if there was more activities we can do.

      Yeah that was me, I’m the one who’s planning on making a fediverse community.


      I feel the same way here, the fediverse is a really cool small and elitist community.

      I just read some of it, I can’t say much else other than this is the best comprehensive guide I’ve ever read, I’m surprised I haven’t heard anything of it.


      ah, so you’re that kind of person. well for me I really care about privacy and not being spied on 24/7 for the most part, more than anything else. and I want to make the internet what It’s supposed to be.

      • Maya
        33 years ago

        One thing that’s important to me is making the fediverse less elitist. So that’s maybe a divergence of views, though I can’t speak to whether I’m whatever “kind of person” you’re thinking of.

        • @Gwynne@lemmy.mlOP
          23 years ago

          I can’t really explain in short what I’m thinking of, It’s like the raw part of my thoughts that has no meaning in a language. but It’s always the feeling of “ah, you’re that kind of person” whenever it happens. but don’t worry, because I find that this kind of person is really positive. even though I can’t explain it, It’s all my intuition.

          • @Gwynne@lemmy.mlOP
            13 years ago

            being an elitist is fine as long as you’re not gatekeeping people. though I’m not an elitist myself since I’m the one who complains about how small the fediverse is (wait… maybe I am?). like linux users, the elitism is justified. still if you’re toxic and you insult people who use normal social media. that’s pretty cringe.