• @vivivox@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        But these are essentially humans dressed up in fur suits. They have human attributes, human voices, even humanoid shapes.

        • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
          13 years ago

          Not exactly. It is true that they are human-like at certain level but the series is very centric about their non-human instinct influence in their life.

          The series is well classified as a human drama with animals. There is a fact and is that there are humans in the same world too (but away of the main series as far I remember). The rest are just non-human animals with attributes that you use to give only to humans.

    • Marxism-FennekinismOP
      3 years ago

      I mean, there are entire book series about sapient cats (Warriors by Erin Hunter), rabbits (Watership Down), forest creatures in general (Redwall) etc. The spinoff game series Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (which is where my profile picture comes from), focuses entirely on a world inhabited only by Pokemon, and it’s massively popular.

      • @vivivox@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        But even then all of these beings have human problems and human like personalities, and voices. I think this is the difficulty in writing non human tales, is that the tales that most people empathize with, no matter how alien their premise or characters may be, still end up centering around human like traits and problems.