• @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    So that people like you can harass and witch hunt me based on 30% truth 70% lies style propaganda? Nope.

    Also I have not signed the letter yet, because I find neither sides fully correct. I lean towards RMS though, because he has done way more for digital freedom than any of these mob reactionaries will ever do together in the coming centuries.

    RMS has not committed any crime, so I do not find him wrong in this. One can speak whatever the hell they want as long as it is not racist, xenophobic or provoking crime.

    • Lilium
      -23 years ago

      One can speak whatever the hell they want as long as it is not racist, xenophobic or provoking crime

      But misogyny is where you draw the line?

      • @aab@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        Oh come on, nice work twisting the words in their mouth.

        Also I’m curious where Stallman has been openly misogynistic, as opposed to just socially clueless.

        • Lilium
          03 years ago

          Not twisting anything, just pointing out the hypocrisy in the quoted text.

          Also I’m at work, so I won’t dig in his past behavior on the internet for you now, but I am not the only one mentioning this stuff, which also had a part on RMS’s resign years ago, so there is little reason to still bring his misogyny into question today on 2021. Guy’s a boomer with some outdated boomer views, but being a boomer doesn’t excuse him for not updating his views.