The second episode of LTT’s Linux challenge is out.

    3 years ago

    I think what frustrates me about these is the conversation that’s come out of them. In linux communities like /r/linux_gaming, the primary response from established users is something like “A lot of these issues are legitimate and there’s definitely still room for improvement, but at the same time some of these criticisms are directed at the wrong target, come from clinging onto expectations coming from Windows, or are sometimes a bit mean-spirited.” Then you’ll get a ton of people from the outside (along with particularly cynical members of the community) complaining about linux elitism and people being in denial if they say anything other than “linux is completely unusable garbage for new users”.

    There’s plenty of elitists in our community, but they very rarely climb to the top of a conversation and are usually told to fuck off by everyone else. I don’t know if it’s because of Linus’ framing here or what, but there’s a lot of aggression flowing over and it’s a shame. It’s like all anyone sees is the minority of assholes and they blame it on all of us :/