I love how you can’t wrap your head around that the real world can’t live up to some Platonic ideal of society. What you’re doing here is creating a false dichotomy where anything that’s not a perfect classless and stateless society is capitalism. And apparently there is magic dust you have to sprinkle to turn a capitalist society into a communist one in a blink of an eye.
Turning your country into a turbo-capitalist place, while paying a lip-service to socialism is going to make many people want some real “Marxism” indeed.
And you should try to think a bit harder on how a society grown rich and fundamentally dependent on Capitalist means of production is going to magically turn into a communist one… that’s going to need some magic dust indeed.
Ah yes, a turbo-capitalist place where all the essential economy is publicly owned, that builds massive infrastructure, lifted over a billion people out of poverty, and handled the pandemic. I am starting to think you don’t even understand what capitalism is. Ideologically blind-sighted it seems.
87.6% of young Chinese identify with Marxism, and the party has 95 million members. Obviously though, you understand what communism is or how to achieve it much better.
I love how you can’t wrap your head around that the real world can’t live up to some Platonic ideal of society. What you’re doing here is creating a false dichotomy where anything that’s not a perfect classless and stateless society is capitalism. And apparently there is magic dust you have to sprinkle to turn a capitalist society into a communist one in a blink of an eye.
Turning your country into a turbo-capitalist place, while paying a lip-service to socialism is going to make many people want some real “Marxism” indeed.
And you should try to think a bit harder on how a society grown rich and fundamentally dependent on Capitalist means of production is going to magically turn into a communist one… that’s going to need some magic dust indeed.
Ah yes, a turbo-capitalist place where all the essential economy is publicly owned, that builds massive infrastructure, lifted over a billion people out of poverty, and handled the pandemic. I am starting to think you don’t even understand what capitalism is. Ideologically blind-sighted it seems.