This is a philosophical question, which means there is no right or wrong answer in a traditional term, but keep trolling to yourself. If you have no own opinion or respect before such question, please do not answer, thanks. I am not looking for low-quality answers such as … no … yes …

I just wanted to ask what Lemmy, or the Community, things about Tech in general and the influence about how we proceed our own reality in general.

Do you think that Technology made us as species better or do you think that Tech makes us overall more lonely because everything gets faster and faster, more optimized and at the end of the day we’re just searching for meaning in our lives? Love, fulfillment and such things, which Tech cannot entirely replace.

At the end of your own journey, which I like to call life you basically die alone, maybe with people who love surrounded but you go alone into the void. Would you say that getting the latest iPhone or xyz made you a better individual or helped to improve your overall fulfillment, or would you say that such Tech toys and gimmicks are potentially a placeholder for our own emptiness…?

Legitimate feedback, opinions are welcome.

    3 years ago

    I think technology is a tool and inherently it does not make users more or less lonely. It can do either depending on how it is put to use.

    Pervasive loneliness is I think a product of the capitalist political-economy. Most people who work are drained of the time and energy that could have been spent socialising. It also atomises us as individuals and cultivates an individualistic mentality. If neighbours don’t have to rely on each other but rather have to work for eight hours a day so that they can afford to be customers of large coporation which meetd their basic needs, they will not be able to find the time to form tangible social bonds.

    Technology then plugs this hole because it is something people can use from the comfort of their homes after a tiresome workday. And again we have to end up being customers for corporations who because of their profit motive do not solve this problem but only exploit it. So I go with this option:

    would you say that such Tech toys and gimmicks are potentially a placeholder for our own emptiness…?