Aging gamers were reportedly delighted to see that a new video game called Eldric Quest has accessibility features catered specifically to people their age who do not have enough time to actually play a video game.
“I came back from the office at around 7 p.m. and was so happy to see this mode implemented because holy shit am I tired,”
This is how gaming dies. Easy mode should be forbitten as default and game should be always at hardest diffuculty and focus on challenging content and not grind. Hard challenges keep everyone busy, dosnt matter if you have infinite free time if you suck gaming. That should be the direction of a real game and not this no sense cringe “don’t have time to farm, here pay 80$ for your season-extraExp-bigEzRewards”. Fucking ridicoulus. Fucking Devs should actually rewarding the player who spend little time that the fucking no life grinder. Damn make % base drop chance -10% chance of legendary loot for each hour of the day log inside the game and gg.
I’m unsure if this is satire.
I’ve googled and couldn’t find this anywhere, and this user’s comments are quite in line with what they’ve posted now, so I’d go for stupidity and gatekeeping over copypastaing
Feels like a copypasta
It is one now
Still gonna downvote like it is. Poe’s Law and all that.
You imply that easy mode = grind. I’m not sure why, they have nothing to do with each other. You can grind hard content just as much as easy content.
Man, for someone who wants things to be “hard”, you really want to be rewarded for time spent, as opposed to skill. Hilariously, you’re the target audience for those $80 content skips: people who want to feel like they’re good, whether or not they’re actually good.
You’re out here talking about “no sense cringe” while posting nearly illegible drivel about how you feel entitled to success because you have more hours to kill. Step back, get some perspective. Most people have made their time valuable. It’s not on them if you’ve failed to do the same.
Id be screwed because im one of those annoying twats who log in and afk just to keep abreast of chat until I get some time to play.
This is one of the opinions of all time.
Wow, that’s a… take I guess
One of the takes of all time, for sure.
I dunno; personally, I play games to have fun. Maybe let people do that.
thats just crazy enough to work!
Here’s your gate to keep. I think you dropped it.
mmorpg sweats be like:
This is Beehaw, we expect you to be(e) nice here. Gatekeeping isn’t nice.
Besides, there are people who play games that are of all skill levels and time constraints, and they deserve to be able to enjoy games as much as you do. Have some compassion.
@banana_meccanica @trashhalo man you sound like me 25 years ago lol
I did grow out of it.
Twentyfive years ago exactly when most of the game have stopped to be competitive. Now go to work grown man that loot boxes don’t pay by itself.
i have no idea why you are so vitriolic and generally cringe about this opinion, man. even if you were correct (you’re not) and not gatekeeping (you are), it’s just not a big deal in the way you make it
Easy there, tiger. You will get there, don’t worry.
Easy mode should only be for movie games
They will find the way to complain even for that. Cutscenes too long please nerf. What? I need to press button during the scene? Everything is screw in a big pretending because be a gamer is cool, goddamit.
I actually agree with what you’re trying to say about microtransactions cheapening competitive games. It’s why I stopped playing competitive games altogether, but introducing proper casual modes for singleplayer or PvE co-op games for no additional cost to increase accessibility only helps increase the number of potential players. The existance of casual modes does not have any correlation with competitive games or takes away from another player’s time invested into the same game, and it will not cause the “death” of video games. The reason why people are disagreeing with you is because you’re blaming other players as the cause when it’s actually corporate greed with overinflated MTX and excessive season pass shit that’s truely killing the industry.