• GadgeteerZA
    12 years ago

    Yep the youth market is not there, and advertisers are beginning to realise there is more market in the TikTok influencers etc… FB MarketPlace is a reason why many still login to sell / buy stuff so alternatives are needed for that, where a sufficient volume of people can be.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      02 years ago

      Yeah, I think the MarketPlace is really the only part of the product that keeps people on. As people start leaving, that that will cause vendors to move on as well if alternatives start emerging.

      • @sibachian@lemmy.ml
        02 years ago

        for us it’s Groups and Messenger. marketplace is trash compared to our local monopoly service.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          02 years ago

          I find making a group on Element or even Slack works great for doing everything you’d do on a Fb group.

          • @sibachian@lemmy.ml
            02 years ago

            i find getting people onto element is impossible. i’ve got two people there after years of trying, and only because they don’t even use phones due to paranoia. and since my hobbies are more conventional, there are no relevant communities for me (or anyone else that i know personally), nor does the current userbase likely have any interest of joining such hobby groups.

            i’d love for element to have relevance. but one of the core reasons facebook works is simply because of the pre-existing userbase for every new community started, making it easy to grow (and even outcompete communities on other platforms). if facebook gets knocked down, then the commonality of the fediverse has a bigger chance of people adopting the niche community through the platforms available with other use-cases beside the community you’re trying to start, a lot more so over a chat application that has barely any users at all, especially none in common. and i say this, as someone who basically see matrix as the future and would never recommend anything but matrix for the purpose of chat and community communication.

  • @X51@lemmy.ml
    12 years ago

    I was blocked from posting relevant content to a dead group that was struggling to achieve member interaction. They made me do about 10 captchas to prove I’m not a robot. They blocked my account. It was a huge favor. I don’t miss the site.

    On the flip side of that scenario, anyone who was actually interested in what I was posting in that group now has nothing to read. On any given site, I would estimate that more than 90% of the users visiting and reading the content are not interacting. Only a small percent of the users are doing anything to inspire the general population to visit the site. To me it’s idiotic to punish people who are contributing positive and constructive content. By doing so, you are giving hundreds of people one less reason to visit the site.

    Users abandoning the platform is the only logical outcome when your algorithms punish/ban/discourage positive & useful interaction.

  • @Zerush@lemmy.ml
    12 years ago

    Not easy, FB retains the user over 2 weaks until it aprove the elimination of the account, much easier to post porn or Trump vids to force a ban.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          12 years ago

          I think a lot of it comes down to the amount of money commercial companies can pour into marketing their products. That said, fediverse is growing pretty steadily and it has a big advantage not being commercial. Companies need to have constant growth to stay afloat, and as soon as they can’t do that then investors start loosing interest. Then the money starts drying up and the whole house of cards can rapidly collapse.

          Meanwhile, open source runs largely on volunteers, it just needs a big enough user base to be sustainable. We just need enough people to maintain the projects and enough users to produce content. With millions of people using the fediverse, it’s going to be around indefinitely and it will likely outlive all the existing commercial platforms. Time is on our side.

          The other big advantage is that fediverse works on cooperation. Commercial platforms create walled gardens and jealously guard their content. Hence why we see the trend of screenshotting and cross-posting on different platforms. On the other hand, platforms in the fediverse all benefit from more content being available regardless what platform users generate it from. More people starting to use any of the platforms mean that the ecosystem grows as a whole, and that’s a beautiful thing.