I don’t know if any of you are on Telegram but Durov’s Channel is doing a takedown of privacy criticisms. He’s essentially calling people who demand server side code open sources misinformed.
Older versions work, but would also have security flaws. So Telegram is open source depending on what definition of security or feature updates you are okay with.
Most (spoiler: nearly all) people have no clue about this in privacy community.
I don’t know if any of you are on Telegram but Durov’s Channel is doing a takedown of privacy criticisms. He’s essentially calling people who demand server side code open sources misinformed.
Telegram is okay only as a public board/group messenger service, nothing more. They take time in open sourcing their client code, around 3-4 months.
That’s not that relevant, as long as older versions compiled from source still work.
Older versions work, but would also have security flaws. So Telegram is open source depending on what definition of security or feature updates you are okay with.
Most (spoiler: nearly all) people have no clue about this in privacy community.