• @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
    62 years ago

    I offered translations to Spanish through EMail.

    I think that could be translated in several hours.

    However, the comic seems to miss the point of surveillance capitalism and Free Software replacements at all.

  • @xpladv570@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    chrome is the new IE except no one gives a damn about monopolies anymore

    firefox has its big flaws both as a product and as an organization (mozilla) but just by the virtue of not running chromium, it is the obvious choice. yeah yeah safari exists, but i dont own apple products so thats not a factor

      • @xpladv570@lemmygrad.ml
        12 years ago

        they seem to be near-extinct on windows sadly, apart from “otter browser”. for something more up to date you are best off using one of the linux browsers like konqueror/gnome web via linux subsystem. that, or pale moon if one insists to not use firefox.

    42 years ago

    It’s cute as a comic, I’ll share it with my friends for sure

  • Very good comic, but what are we gonna do?

    Using (FOSS) alternatives* for OS, services or browsers on personal basis only seem to work for a small group of tech enthusiast/nerds while Big Tech keeps increasing its market share.

    * assuming the alternatives are actually better in a privacy sense, which isn’t always the case.

    • comfy
      72 years ago

      Which kind of “improvements” are an issue? Is it dumb sponsorships like Pocket or the VPN, or theming changes or something different?

        • comfy
          22 years ago

          They are important for me, I just know that different people have different issues with it and wanted to see what you saw as their biggest problems.

          I’m in the ‘at least it’s not Chromium’ box but they’ve been going downhill for years, red flags all around the place. I don’t use stock Firefox, but the state of it does matter for its derivative browsers (as well as Tor Browser) and it’s worrying.

    • mekhos
      52 years ago

      Sums up why do I (a normally calm person) want to punch the screen every time I try to take back my privacy settings.