Their software is kinda neat, but I prefer the simplicity of configs more rather than editing and building C. I don’t really like their elitist ideology though.
Their software is kinda neat, but I prefer the simplicity of configs more rather than editing and building C. I don’t really like their elitist ideology though.
From The DWM page
I don’t care for this. Configuration through editing the source code is an engineering decision. I think it’s a bit silly, but reasonable people can disagree.
I’m very much of the opinion that when you stop newbing, you start dying, though, so the air of contempt for newbies really turns me off. There also seems to be a ‘simplicity scold’ tendency where any program that does something they personally don’t find useful is bloated, even if there are lots of use cases where it makes perfect sense. (And in talking to some suckless fans ‘bloat’ seems to include things like localization, which also rubs me the wrong way.)
Some of their stuff is okay as software.
This is a perfect summary of my thoughts, here is another quotation from their philosophy page:
Actually, yeah, now that I read it, I really disagree with their stance. Why you would want your software to be less accessible is beyond me.
Someone editing the source code when they don’t know what they’re doing is also a really easy way to introduce subtle bugs or security issues.