be me, depressed, shitty programmer, jobless CS graduate
leave all personal projects incomplete, have nothing to show to get a job cuz muh superiah creature, mus make mah own microkornel to shit on Linus
“Hey, Andrew was right all along, you stupid penguin”
but suck at writing code, have low attention span :-/
uses C to feel special, rage hard because memory leak on hello-world.c
bored, more depressed, try finding FLOSS games
Hmm, this particular xyz game sounds cool
“Woah, this must be like Doom on steroids, you can run it everywhere, even on the web?!?!”
“This was made with C? Mind == blown!”
The dev has their own website, cool :-)
Click on random links across page without reading, come across a page about learning C-lang
Page is something about suckless world or something, yeah I guess there’s too many conspiracy-theory idiots out there, maybe bro is calling them out?
“Meh, this tutorial isn’t that good, I’ll just pirate a modern C17 book”
goes back to home and starts reading about themselves
what? bro has their own 3d model nude uploaded for the entire world to see.
Is bro okay? trigger warning-type stuff about self-harm, lots of blood!
what the actual fuck? bro hates feminism and trans, but ironically, pansexual themselves?
WHAT THE FUCK? Also anti-vaxx, because bro thinks that weak animals like humans should die, survival of the fittest?
I NEED BLEACH FOR MY EYES, bro’s not ashamed of wanting to groom children, also banned over a few different places on the web for the same reason!
Curious about one of their remote Git profile, also checks other users who have starred them - get even more grossed, shut down laptop, touch grass after a long time
I can’t tell if this is copy-pasta or not. If not, my condolences to your eyes, if so… *chef’s kiss*
How about both?
if not yet, lets make it one
wow, sounds uncannily like my ex. does he also believe in mowing down protesters?
Never meet you heroes
I’m mildly worried I know (as in, am aware of their existence, thankfully not having interacted with them) who you’re talking about