Stuff the pharmacy told me doesn’t work
That exact med. Not the Sudafed with the useless phenylalanine nonsense that has been demonstrated to do fuck all. You may have to ask the pharmacist for it - it’s not prescription but Feds made stores move it behind the counter. Ask for the generic, it’s cheaper. Really works
Side effects suck though, dry mouth, maybe a little agitation. But it’ll clear you right up.
Perhap remove the irritant? Maybe it’s the air quality, bedding, or fabric softener?
Go to an ENT and determine what the problem is.
Get allergy tests. Mine was allergies to pet hair, dust etc. I got a permanent fix unintentionally. Had throat cancer, the chemo and radiation damage drops the mucous creation to about 50%, so post nasal stopped being a problem. LOL
Good job on beating cancer <3
Meh, I had a great team of pros. They did the main cancer fighting. I just mostly laid in bed feeling tired or in the bathroom vomiting. :)