• mmhmm@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Yes, and contrary to popular belief the vast majority of journalists seek truth in their reporting. Take a look at the Society for Professional Journalists ethics page: https://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp

    A journalist should only be as good as their reputation. I was taught my reputation was my only asset as journalist. If I couldn’t be trusted to tell the truth of my experiences what good was I to my community as a reporter?

    Unfortunately, folks don’t value the truth and bastards like Tucker Carlson, Rachel Maddow, et. al. can assume the mantle of journalist and spout nonsense without repercussions. Instead they are rewarded. They don’t represent journalism or its intended goals. They are showmen and strawmen out to puppet propaganda.

    All that said, Journalist’s also have an obligation to reduce harm. There are instances where the truth can cause more damage. As an example it is best practice to not name children or victims when reporting crimes. The public record is long and never forgets and no one should be forced to have the misdeeds of others haunt them though the web, forever.

    I sometimes wish Journalism had requirements like Law or Medicine that must be met before you could take the title. It is so easy for bloggers and social media warriors to pick up the title and it has lost all meaning. What passes for Journalism today makes me sick more often than not

    • pingveno@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Carlson and Maddow are entertainment for partisans. They hook their audiences by weaving captivating narratives out of half truths and sometimes outright lies. I’ve tried to get my mother off Maddow and I think she is at least taking Maddow with a grain of salt.

      John Oliver also does this. I like some of his material because it brings to light an ill that doesn’t get enough attention. But there have just been too many times when I have some familiarity with the subject matter and I start spotting areas where he stretches the truth.