How to put UBO in medium mode ? I cannot figure this out from the docs. And how to disable or enable certain domains like one could do with the discontinued uMatrix, from animated figs this looks possible ?

    3 years ago

    To use different modes you have to enable “I am an advanced user” in the settings. After that, to enable medium mode you just click on the addon and disable 3rd party frames ans scripts. For hard mode you have to additionally block “3rd party” as well which blocks some additional things by default.

    I would tell you right here how to enable domains globally or just for a single site but I’m bad at explaining and it would be very lengthy, so I’ll just share this video which should be very helpful.

    • soronixa
      23 years ago

      exactly as @hamborgr said, just note that you should block 3rd party (only for hard mode), 3rd party frames and scripts (for both modes) in the global column, that is the column in the middle.

      also the hated one video is a bit old, so you won’t see green listing in current uBlock, since it could unblock all trafic I think, and users could accidentally enable it.