With mastodon I just log in with my mastodon account and enter my unique username to follow or comment on something, if it’s on another instance.

But how does it work on Lemmy? If I am on another instance and I try to log in to comment, my account can not be found.

At the post above someone from lemmy.ml commented the post and I am just trying to figure out how this works?

What is the workflow if I find another interesting instance to comment or like, because it looks like leaving lemmy.ml isn’t a good idea.

  • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
    92 years ago

    But how does it work on Lemmy? If I am on another instance and I try to log in to comment, my account can not be found.

    You can copy the url of the post and paste it into the search field on your server. It will look the post up and then you can comment, being logged in on your home server :)

    If this doesn’t work try copying and searching for the link that’s behind the rainbow icon next to the favorite, crosspost, report etc buttons.

  • Liwott
    52 years ago

    See this thread (from Lemmy, click the “recycle” kind of logo):


    (solved)Why cant i comment in other instances?

    I would like to comment this post
    but asks me to log in. I am logged in in my instance and although I see people from ‘my’ instance commenting there too, when I try to log it says it does not find my account. Do I have to create an account in this instance first? What am I doing wrong?

    • maxmoonOP
      12 years ago

      Sorry, I didn’t understand how to create a custom search engine. Do I have to be the admin of an instance to do that?