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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • One time I was dealing with a really bad migraine while I was running register at Walmart. I was barely functioning and could barely stand up straight. This lady comes through my line starting out all compassionate until she suggests that she lead me in a prayer that Jesus might heal me. I try to politely decline because I’d rather not hold up the line forming behind her. Well, also because I’m atheist but I had been in customer service for years at that point and knew better than to bring that tidbit up.

    This lady starts into the most hate fueled tirade I’ve ever heard. Talking about how I’m a heathen, my migraine was a punishment directly from God, I deserve every second of my suffering, and calling me everything but a child of God. All because I tried to politely decline a performative prayer from her because there were now 3 people in line behind her. Like 20 minutes later I got taken out in an ambulance because I fainted from the pain trying to stand up after using the bathroom on my break.

    Another guy tried to get me to discount his entire order because he supposedly knew the guy that owned the contacting company that built the store. Try to tell him that I don’t have the ability to do that and he’d have to talk to a manager. He gets right up in my face and starts yelling about how no one else ever had a problem with it and how with one phone call he could make it so I would never be able to work at Walmart again. Along with several threats to my person. If I never set foot behind a cash register again it’ll be too soon.

  • Agreed fellow allosexual, Sex IS indeed OP.

    … What’s that? They said OPSEC? The fuck is an OPSEC? Some new part of the queer alphabet soup that I haven’t heard of?

    Sorry, that little skit played out in my head after reading your reply. It’s a weird thing when your intrusive thoughts turn to shitposting. I feel like that person on a leash meme where the thing I’m trying to control is a coked up shitpost tulpa.

  • I was specifically trying to get all the achievements in it in 1 run because I had borrowed it for just a weekend from a buddy of mine at my college. I got to the final boss and just unloaded everything. Fight ended in like 30 seconds.

    I told him to check my achievements when I gave it back to him. I get a random Xbox live voice message of him just screaming “WHAT AAAAARE YOU!?” 10/10 would torture myself again.

  • I’m so terminally awkward about all this. Cuz I want to be sure that the person I’m about to ask for help isn’t like on break or waiting for their shift to start or something and “Excuse me, are you on the clock?” Sounds super condescending to me. So I just awkwardly default to “Do you work here?” or “Do you know someone who can help me?” because English is basically impossible for my dumbass self.