Got this for Christmas in 1997 and it blew my mind. Had an NES with super mario bros, and had never heard of an N64 before we got it, and the leap was just staggering at the time. Went to bed dreaming of mario kart lol
Got this for Christmas in 1997 and it blew my mind. Had an NES with super mario bros, and had never heard of an N64 before we got it, and the leap was just staggering at the time. Went to bed dreaming of mario kart lol
Grayjay on Android. Ad-free, no algo, and no shorts. There’s a section that shows you like the top 10 hottest videos on the platform, but in the subscriptions tab it has all the latest from who you are subbed to.
Plus I find it’s so damn satisfying when you fix something, truly one of the greatest dopamine hits available
On my end, I tend to watch democracy now, read cbc, npr, ap, and reuters, and then follow plenty of youtube channels for different takes on a variety of subjects. Always looking for new stuff though, so I appreciate all the replies!
Nice, all that covers a lot of bases right there
Never heard of it, I’ll give it a looksee
Damn, that’s so cool, I’m going to try this out
The classics.
Ya, my personal fav, I try to at least watch the headlines, but usually dig into some of the featured interviews for the day. Amy Goodman is a legend
Thank you for sharing, I’ll look into these!
Nice, love local radio
Never heard of him, I’ll check it out
Ok, but which one comes first in an ultimatum???
Great song, love the Johnny Cash version on the American recordings too
Great vid man, I appreciate the passion for the game, subscribed!
Those are some nice boulders
Thumbnail looks like it’s in the corner of a room fucking up the baseboards
Damn, tough luck! What were the first games that you got? Did the n64 rock your world or what?