Calling it now,the next MCU Kang appearance will be by Don Cheadle with the first line being…
“I’m here, deal with it.”
Ya found me! 💕
Plants don’t have nerve endings, nervous systems or brains to process fear/pain. There is no comparison between 🐔’s & 🥔’ s.
Eating 🥩 because you enjoy it is the moral equivalent of watching 🐶 fighting because you enjoy it.
Feeding a cow for years, then killing it for only a handful of meals is wildly inefficient. ♻️
Studies link meat to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and pancreatic cancer.🫀
Beans are cheap af. 💵
Calling it now,the next MCU Kang appearance will be by Don Cheadle with the first line being…
“I’m here, deal with it.”
Orly?! I had no idea! And also… no interest in actually looking into those games or buying Netflix again.
Thanks for the clarification! ♥ 💕
Wait, what?! 😂 Okay, so is this gonna be a cloud based thing, because how stadia was so successfull? Or are these going to be downloaded apps? Or just stand alone choose your own adventure like black mirrors bandersnatch?
On its website, Netflix says by the end of the year it’ll have 86 games for subscribers to play. This includes the recently announced Grand Theft Auto Trilogy - Definitive Edition off the back of the first trailer for GTA 6.
Or are they gonna mail me a disc for gta again? Lol I’m genuinely so confused what this will eventually look like.
I blame 50% William Gibson, and 50% Ridley Scott.
Well, this sort of thing is honestly above any social media’s pay grade, so I will only tell you what I did after talking with my therapist
I know how this feels and I’m sorry you are going through it too. After the only member of my family who was even remotely kind to me died (and even that was an abusive relationship), I cut off contact with everyone else related to me and my life has only improved. It’s been about 6 years now but i am much happier for it, no judgement, no yelling, no control, life is just… quieter.
You can’t control how others act, and your father has had several decades to reconsider. At a certain point, you should just protect your own well being and go no contact.
Being a part of your life is a privilege, not a right.
Oh HECK yea!
Mullins has a wonderful style and consistently puts out wonderful clever experiences. He is up there with Concernedape as my favorite devs.
Co-op would a antithesis to entire design of the game. Thw unique control scheme is central to its story. Two sons is a great single player game to wrap your head around what are fairly basic puzzles, but having two players would just be bland and generic, It was never intended for two people, and to make remake it as on would essentially be making a entirely separate game
Writers use pen names too. I’m kinda confused why OP even thinks this is notable?
Dec 31st 1949.
I’m a queer woman, so these sort of time travel questions boil down to preserving as many rights as I can.
I’m laying on my side in bed, so… I guess I jump two feet in the air, fall, make a big sound, probally bounce off and break some stuff and then have back problems all day.
There is literally nothing political about being trans. Just like there is nothing political about being a woman, being black or being gay.
The only politics is the people that want to limit the choices and freedoms of those (and others) . If you see trans people talking about what helped them as “political” then you are only looking for some culture war nonsense.
Brick, are you just naming children with things you see in the room?
Which the only correct reply is…
That’s right sweetie/bro! Transitioning is a normal thing to do if it makes you feel happier.
♥ 💕 ♥ 💕 ♥ 💕 ♥
not a big fan of being called “cis”
If you aren’t trans, then you are cis.
If you aren’t gay, then you are straight.
Do you also dislike being called straight?
Oh yeah, this is super standard. Honestly I had to scroll down to find what was even notable to you about this picture. I live in a major city and basically every store I go in to looks identical to this.
Well that’s honestly heart warming.
It’s either journalism, in which you talk about news that comes up. Or it’s being a freelance PR for publishers saying what they want, when they want in order to keep in the embargo ecosystem.
But that choices has been decided long ago by the major “”“news”“” sites like IGN aren’t, never have and never will be actual journalistisc outlets, they are a sock puppet hype machine for publishers to make ads and generate meaningless 9.5/10 reviews.