I haven’t logged into Facebook in over a decade, can’t even remember the login email. Can’t be arsed to jump through hoops to ask for it to be deleted.
Can’t imagine why anyone would willingly make a fb page today.
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
I haven’t logged into Facebook in over a decade, can’t even remember the login email. Can’t be arsed to jump through hoops to ask for it to be deleted.
Can’t imagine why anyone would willingly make a fb page today.
"They came first for the distros. But I didn’t speak up, because it was only Facebook and only Linux. "
I have noticed that I get less motion sick in some games on my new 240hz screen, but unfortunately I still get it.
That said, I’m unsure what my actual fps is in Doom/E but I’d wager somewhere around 100.
Checking FOV and disabling motion blur, chromatic abberation, and DoF are my first things before I even start a new game.
I just assume it’s because I’m getting older, and I’m not sitting in a proper chair most of the time.
Okay I have a confession to make…
I haven’t finished a Doom since Doom 3 (2004).
I have loved every minute of Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal, but I haven’t finished either of them.
I get too motion sick to play video games like that anymore.
Even Titanfall I have to take a break between levels.
I’ll finish them someday, I promise…
Prey was the first game in a long time to make me stop and go “what the fuuuuuuuck?” in a long time.
It’s a good feeling.
I’d absolutely love to know where the team expected to take the story after the ending(s) if they made a direct sequel.
More like Prey, for sure.
I have lived near two solar projects in Ohio in the last decade.
In both instances the fields had been completely unused for years. With one being completely unmaintained and growing wild, to the delight of all manner of critters I’m sure.
Both had been sold by the property owners, and not to industrial owners. One was even helping power my house and a local hospital when they got it turned on.
Both had people in pickup trucks plow through during construction that damaged a ton of stuff.
Both had sudden extremely vocal opposition out of nowhere, with signs popping up all over yards and intersections about how we should be using farmland “for food, not wokeness”
Both have had drive-by shootings in the middle of the night after completion that ultimately only damaged a couple things (probably because rednecks aren’t exactly accurate when shooting from a moving vehicle, nor do they usually know the important tech bits to target for maximum damage)
I just think it’s interesting that people who have never set foot on a farm suddenly got concerned about a plot of land already not being used for farming that would continue going unfarmed. Especially since some of them I knew personally and up to a point had been praising the solar projects for “freeing people from profit hungry power companies”
Almost like they didn’t know much about it until someone told them what to think…
Every single part of this comment just screams “It just wouldn’t be proper!”
And I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to care about what’s “proper” when half my friends now have reasonable fear for their lives, not just “comfort of living” just because they are lgbtq+ living in deep red country.
The only celebrating I do is eating slightly more unhealthy, take the day off work unless it’s going to be a short day, and maybe look to see if any games in my “maybe if it’s on steep sale” list are on sale.
That’s it.
I don’t remind people, I dont expect anyone to remember, but it’s nice when they do.
My excuse for missing people’s birthdays is I DO know the date… I just don’t know what the date today is. Sure I know my sister was born on the 12th, but that doesn’t matter if I think today is the 10th and it’s actually the 15th…
So if I have that much problem, it wouldn’t be very chill to be upset with others for missing mine.
But stabbing your neighbor isn’t exactly something most people are willing to do.
And any sort of attempt at organization leads to Alphabet Squad raids and whatever bullshit charges they feel like throwing at you after deciding you’re guilty of being a dirty commie/socialist/librul/not them.
Having just finished all 3 on my pc…
Dafuq you smokin, Bruh…
I will say though, 1 is the cluniest of them, for sure.
cue 5 minutes of
Repeat at next joint.
I say this in nearly complete seriousness:
Always has been
Oooh, nice interrobang.
My favorite part of control is how they go into juuuuuuust a little bit of explaining how things work in a science way, and sometimes you can almost feel how things are connected, and then it’s like “Yeah we have no fucking clue how any of this actually works, we’re just trying to keep it all from destroying the universe and keeping notes along the way.”
And then you meet the next thing that almost makes sense. Until it doesn’t.
I don’t remember if I ever finished AW but I do believe I have the disk around here somewhere. The control dlc definitely rekindled my interest.
I mean, what were they going to do, say “yes we keep slaves, next question please”?
Control was great
I love games that make me think outside the box
Not even a little. I went out in shorts and a t-shirt for about an hour, exchanged banal pleasantries with family until my anxiety got the better of me and I had to leave, sat in a room with no windows watching old shows and snacking, and am waiting until exhaustion allows me to sleep a couple hours until I go to work on one of the two days remaining on my schedule. After that I might not have any work for months unless I can find something close by that doesn’t make me legitimately contemplate things. I have a broken tooth, some kind of respiratory thing going on, and an unmentionable medical issue that really needs to be seen by a doctor but I can’t afford one and my government insurance was denied because I made a couple thousand more this year than last year.
On the bright side, my truck is finally working again and assuming the now-slowly-leaking-while-on fuel pump doesn’t catch a spark before I can afford to have it replaced I don’t have to share a car this week. Which is nice.
“hey let’s release the same thing over and over again, charge almost full game price for it, and whenever something new comes out, just delete everything they’ve already paid for.”
“hey why aren’t people continuing to buy our game…”
Yeah. Great mystery, that one.
Bungie will never get another dollar from me.
But… But… I’ve been assured by many old people that heat pumps are super inefficient, waste tons of electricity, and only work about 10 degrees from outside temps!
Surely these people wouldn’t have lied or misrepresented the facts in order to support their own warped worldviews where renewable energy and efficiency measures are evil and Jesus wants them to shoot up power substations near solar projects…
… I really need to move out of the Bible belt…