What happend to /u/Gwynne? She seemed quite active.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    She went away after I told her about the phonebrands when the discussion around a private phone was going on in that grapheneos thread. No idea what triggered it, but it was sure as hell not me.

    Edit: yep my guess was right, deleted yesterday

    • poVoqOP
      63 years ago

      Hmm maybe some PM harassment? Dunno, but I actually see a PM system as a net negative, even though personally I never received (or did) any harassment through it.

      • soronixa
        63 years ago

        I think pm is a good feature for when two people want to have a chat, but right now it misses the report system, so yeah.

      • @lorabe@lemmy.ml
        33 years ago

        I think PM should be considered as a neutral feature that doesn’t harm communities on itself.

        Sometimes the behabiour of the communities is the problem rather than the tools.

        • poVoqOP
          43 years ago

          I disagree. Sure it has some benefits and is not all bad, but there seems to be very few use cases where you really need a PM feature compared to the possible abuse that can be done through it. I think an optional profile field to add a chat handle on Matrix or XMPP is sufficient for people to have a way to contact them directly.

          Maybe PMs should be moderator only? Or at least the getting PMs from non-moderators could be opt-in?

          • @lorabe@lemmy.ml
            53 years ago

            i respect your disagreement, having that said, my middle ground would be to have the feature as an optional one by default, so people who wants to have that kind of interaction would be able to.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        I never even knew they were not a male, I never care about who is what gender and talk to people neutrally and casually.

        I mean I am a male and got death threats and trolling but then again I am prominent in the community across Reddit, Telegram, Matrix et al and have quite a lot of enemies. No need to shoot the messenger here, its the people that are bad.

        They were an awesome person.