What happend to /u/Gwynne? She seemed quite active.

  • soronixa
    33 years ago

    would you also consider giving users the third option of disassociating comments and posts from their identity? I imagine some people might want their contributions to the community to remain available (for example on support and question subs) in an anonymous manner.

    And what is your opinion on users being able to delete the comments of other users by deleting the post? Don’t you think it’s unfair to those who have taken the time to answer a question or participate in a discussion?

    • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
      43 years ago

      would you also consider giving users the third option of disassociating comments and posts from their identity? I imagine some people might want their contributions to the community to remain available (for example on support and question subs) in an anonymous manner.

      Except what if you want to delete the data later? You wouldn’t be able to if it’s truly anonymized because you wouldn’t be able to prove it was you. I can support an option to hide the name of your content from your account, kind of a “soft delete”, but IMO in general, if an account is permanently deleted, all the data should go to for privacy sake.

      • soronixa
        43 years ago

        good point, I think giving users some time to change their mind and then making the decision permanent would be a good solution.

        I can support an option to hide the name of your content from your account, kind of a “soft delete”

        Agree. a soft delete would be cool, with an option of deleting it later.

        but IMO in general, if an account is permanently deleted, all the data should go to for privacy sake.

        I think giving users three options to choose from is better, so that everyone can make their own informed decisions, according to their threat model. Some information (like the answer to a technical problem) doesn’t harm privacy that much, and keeping it anonymously is a net positive in my opinion.

        But as I said, my main problem is the ability to delete the comments of others by deleting the post. I don’t think a user should have the right to remove comments written by others.